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Everything posted by Kmlwx

  1. You'd have hit an inch if you had not yelled last time...
  2. We've had less LSRs on severe thunderstorm watch days. I think this could have been given a watch. But of course - it was harder to say earlier. The dewpoints were juicy today + some good heat.
  3. Possible downburst/wind signature near and just south of Rockville on the TIAD radar.
  4. Continuous rolling thunder - not much in the way of anything severe, though. At least thus far. (Colesville, MD). Temp is getting knocked down, at least!
  5. CIMMS probsevere is tagging the entire blob as "one" now
  6. Maybe it will congeal into a mega-supercell. Does anyone remember "Lightning Fire from the Storm"
  7. The cell over IAD/LWX is putting down some prolific lightning it looks like.
  8. I'm guessing we are going to get some trees/wires down LSRs in that area between Poolesville and Darnestown.
  9. Possible downburst signature SE of Poolesville on the TIAD radar? - One of the most chaotic radars I can remember with so many cells in a small area. It's going to blobify.
  10. Heck of a messy radar now. Cell going up over LWX looks potent early on.
  11. MoCo cell is taking it's sweet time - probably going to be some healthy rain totals under it. radar getting messy between the MoCo cells and the big blob to the west as more little cells try to form. I'm guessing the MoCo cell is going to stabilize things so that the stuff behind will be weaker.
  12. Hail marker showing SW of Purcellville now. It's almost like the "blob" has two little "cores". Cool radar watching today.
  13. Very little lightning on the MoCo cell on ENTLN or GOES data. Will have to watch for another uptick - it could be gusting out or pulsing down though.
  14. I'm just hoping I can get a downpour to cool the house down a bit. The minimal cooling last night really got the upstairs temps elevated. Gotta get some H2O onto the roof to cool things down.
  15. TBWI has tops around 45kft on the MoCo cell. So it's either holding or intensifying.
  16. Decent core of wind on the velocity scans near Hillsboro and back to the NW of there a bit.
  17. Circular outflow from MoCo cell now showing up on the TIAD radar.
  18. CIMMS probsevere isn't too enthused about the MoCo cell yet - but it tends to lag just a bit. I'm guessing the MoCo cell is going to get warned soon unless it collapses.
  19. Is that a micro/downburst signature forming on the TIAD radar velocity scans for the MoCo cell? Compact for now....but sure looks like it IMO.
  20. Quick uptick in lightning now on the developing Montgomery County cell. Probably an indication it may be going to town. Imagine it won't be as intense as the storms to the west were earlier - but I bet at some point it gets a pity warning.
  21. Decent number of cells initiating across parts of the area ahead of the blob in the higher terrain. Manassas, MoCo, and Westminster area have some activity now. Sub-severe for now.
  22. Cell going up near Manassas now as well as Manchester, MD and near Westminster. Conceivable that the original complex well to the west may fizzle or continue to just be a blob while new cells fire in the metro area. Nothing severe yet - but some do seem to be growing upscale pretty nicely initially at least.
  23. Not sure how this is going to unfold from here...but some of those storm motions are SW to NE and some are trying to go NW to SE. We're going to have to see if this "complex" gets taken N of the metro area.
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