@Maestrobjwa -
Have never had an issue with you and I try really hard not to judge people's style and such. But I will say that I, for one do appreciate that over the last year or two you truly seem to have been trying to learn concepts and stuff.
The biggest advice I will give you - and in no part of this post do I mean any malice or ill will - is that like you said in the other thread...weather is weather - we can't really change it or do anything about it. Weather doesn't care if you're due. Weather doesn't care if you "deserve" snow. Weather doesn't care if you got screwed by 50 snowstorms and are depressed.
The best advice that I got when I started on Eastern in the 2000s was that you don't have to reply to every post or topic or concept. It's okay to just read. The more you post is not going to trigger the butterfly effect to "will" a snowstorm closer.
It is OK to just let other folks carry the thread. I too get REALLY bummed out when we miss snowstorms. You'll notice that I largely go silent in the winter here - but I certainly am in here DAILY and quietly obsessing about the snow potential. I've gotten better over the years - but I will admit I in fact do get bummed when stuff doesn't work out.
But I found a long time ago that the more I posted, the worse my "need" to have snow to be happy got. You have some options here - and it's not even a complete list.
- Try new hobbies - I've been spotting foxes and animals in my backyard lately and it's been a blast with trailcams and stuff. Way higher success rate than snow chasing too! I also picked up plane spotting in the past few years. Again, not saying THOSE specifically, but they are both more redeeming a lot of times than weather tracking.
- Get into more diverse weather. We fail a ton at summer/spring severe weather too...but at least by making it more flexible as to the type of weather that interests me - it's not just snow.
- CHASE the snow if you have the means to do so. I know we can't all pack up like Bob Chill and go to multiple locations. But if you have the means, do it.
We are unfortunately warming. We don't need to over that. But if you are solely attached to big snow that you "deserve" you're going to have deep depression in the years to come I fear. Gotta take the wins we get and hope for the best. No amount of posting or hand wringing is going to change what Mother Nature wants to do.
But I want to reiterate - I truly appreciate that you've been trying to learn and improve.