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Everything posted by Kmlwx

  1. Ultimately it's going to be very specific if we are talking about personalized backyard results. But area wide it doesn't get much more intense than June 29, 2012
  2. It's early, but might as well do the annual severe thread (people were talking about it in the long range thread!). I don't have the @WxWatcher007 scale handy on this computer - but I usually post it for posterity for the upcoming severe season. Anything from discussing past events to potential upcoming patterns/analogs, and discussion about more specific upcoming threats can be posted in here. A while ago we stopped doing event-specific severe threads for most things. Whether we do that or not - this is the general thread. Have at it!
  3. It almost makes me wonder if some piece of "bad" data either from an aircraft or a 0z sounding did something odd. Though I think somebody else mentioned it's been a trend for a few runs.
  4. New technology was just announced by NCEP to be able to insert a north trend after the event has already happened. Wiping memories of snow and erasing actual accumulation from the space/time continuum
  5. 15-25" - final call - area wide with l isolated jackpots to 30" 0" though for Winchester and immediate surroundings. Sorry folks
  6. The temp drop here seems to have slowed/stopped right around 33ish degrees. Very pretty out watching this band come down though.
  7. Mirroring what others have posted from their stations. Accelerated drop when the precip started back up after the dryslot. Almost down to 33 now.
  8. Down to 34.2 and flakes coming down pretty hard. No accumulation as of yet.
  9. I've seen snow at 45-50 even - but the warm layer was exceedingly shallow in those cases.
  10. Actually seemingly stuck now after losing a few degrees with sunset. I guess it's better than having to wait from 60 degrees...my expectations are essentially zero for MBY.
  11. @Maestrobjwa - If you're going to hone in on dates and calendars to backup your point...you should also take into account that a year isn't truly 365 days. Hence why we have leap years. So really it could be said that each year is never identical to the last - thus throwing off your calendar date patterns.
  12. Thank you! I was adopted when I was 4 months old so I figured at 32 might as well! Sooo much paperwork (South Korea). They said it could be 3-9 months. Maybe by my birthday in September I'll hear something!
  13. I just started a birth parent search! The more tasks and embers you can put in the fire to distract from snow the better!
  14. - I don't have many "wall of text" moments on here...but when I do I try to make them count
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