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Everything posted by Kmlwx

  1. Long range 12z HRRR has a bow echo type thing come through the area tomorrow afternoon.
  2. CIPS appears to be suggestive that things may be flipping back to active for us WRT severe. 120hr has some severe risk and then the extended analogs also show some spikes.
  3. Crank the LLJ and give me a high wind event. I love synoptic wind events. Severe would be icing.
  4. Why are you doing this to us - now I'm going to dream of severe.
  5. @yoda - Remember though that shear can't be too strong is instability isn't that great as the updrafts could get ripped apart. Plus...NAM at range disclaimer as usual.
  6. You got me REALLY excited and then I got totally deflated as I kept reading
  7. Here's the one for exceeding ONE severe report within 110km
  8. % of top 15 analogs with severe reports exceeding 10 severe reports within 110km of a point. This is from the 0z CIPS suite. Hour 120
  9. Relevant text from the D4-8 outlook for those interested...
  10. It's not a minor signal either - for long leads the percentages on CIPS are actually halfway decent. Now we'll see if it holds. If we can avoid having SPC outlook us in a 15% on day 3 or beyond we'll be golden
  11. Time period around June 11th might be our next severe threat. CIPS guidance is printing out some threat around that time based on analogs.
  12. This is more typical of DC severe - failure to the max.
  13. With embedded wedges every 1-2 miles along the line and minivan sized hail.
  14. Bring it west and drop a wedge in the woods near my parent's house
  15. Those tend to result in pencil thing lines of gusty showers around here.
  16. Does seem that it can overdo those dews at times. I'll wait until tomorrow afternoon before I go out entirely...just doesn't have "the look"
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