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Everything posted by Kmlwx

  1. Although... Let's shoot for a moderate with the evening SPC update
  2. Perhaps - but it certainly isn't going to be a derecho.
  3. We'll have to hope for boundaries to touch off more activity.
  4. HRRR seems to have a comically bad handle on the present convection in PA
  5. Yeah that had been well modeled too from guidance earlier in the day.
  6. There hasn't been any associated increase on CIPS or anything yet.
  7. Does seem we could go into a NW flow threat in a bit. That could make for some nice opportunity if things setup properly and timing works out. Won't hold my breath for now.
  8. Things look good for some storms tomorrow PM. If the main line on the models was a bit faster we'd be in great shape. Seems most models have some cells out front and then a dying line around 02-04z
  9. Hope for a wicked EML, good trigger, good timing and spectacular shear and you'll be very pleased.
  10. Any exciting weather really. As long as it's not just triple digit heat and sun
  11. Even a June 4, 2008 would be more than fine. I can think of a bunch of events that would be acceptable. 20080604 20100725 20120629 20130613 Ivan too of course.
  12. At this point I'm all for reshuffling the pattern. Anybody for NW flow/ring of fire pattern? I'm okay with 100 and humid if it produces CAPE of 6000 and a massive line of storms.
  13. I just looked expecting to see very impressive panels...and was disappointed. Those returns look okay but nothing great.
  14. I'm pretty meh on tomorrow - I think we'll get some storms but I'm not sure it'll be a "big" severe day by any means.
  15. It's kind of weird seeing old posts from myself sometimes
  16. Unfortunately we don't tend to do well when we need timing or moving parts to come together
  17. After some legit severe days around here I've been disappointed recently. Guess I can't complain after having two tornadoes in a weeks time frame go right by my apartment.
  18. The SPC discussion is rather "meh" overall. It certainly doesn't look as robust as those one or two NAM runs. Seems like they might have been flukes...
  19. You're also more famous than me...so you're at a higher risk. If anybody wants to mess with me they won't do much damage to little old me.
  20. Easily the most stalkerish thing that's happened to me on there since I joined years ago. I always try to be careful - especially posting stuff about my job in the sysadmin subreddit. High five on making me paranoid before bed last night.
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