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Everything posted by Kmlwx

  1. Noticing another symptom - weird lines flickering in the grey post headers while the page is loading. Also, while a window with AmWx is open - all other tabs slow to a halt (especially streaming video). Something is sucking system resources with the forum.
  2. The College of Dupage site has been down for days it seems...shame.
  3. The SKYWARN training was postponed to the alternate date for anyone registered.
  4. Loading times seem fine - it's just the scrolling. Also seems like my CPU fan is spinning up more when on AmWx. Have tried a couple different browsers and a few different computers running different builds of Windows 10.
  5. Past 24-48 hours I've noticed scrolling is jerky and not smooth on the forum. Have double checked other websites and none are showing a similar problem. Has anybody else been experiencing anything similar?
  6. Day 2 enhanced already - let's do it.
  7. I've been mostly offline the past few days - just now checking this...
  8. Seems LWX is warning EVERYTHING today.
  9. Hell of a hail signature on that Fred Co cell now.
  10. HRRR and 3km NAM both blow some storms up I-95 and east but the area between there and the BR is pretty boring. .
  11. Apologies to others for the banter - But @Stormpc - I attributed mine to the whole being under the age limit when I originally trained. Whole thing was strange.
  12. Thanks, Yoda. Somehow LWX deleted my Skywarn information despite claiming they don't do that. I took Basics I when I was 13 (with permission/waivers from my parents and approved by staff at LWX). I used my spotter ID successfully for years - went to report something a year or two ago and was told my spotter ID didn't belong to me. I questioned them and just gave up. I don't have the time to go to in-persons basics I training...so this is perfect. Still would like to know what went wrong over at Sterling to apparently reassign my ID...
  13. Looking north from Columbia
  14. More boundaries getting tossed out around the area. Looks like something sitting along Virginia Route 7 - with this much fuel some storms could definitely go big briefly. Should be mostly pulse stuff.
  15. Structure from a distance looks really nice - even an anvil maybe starting. Will upload the timelapse to Youtube later on once it finishes.
  16. There's a fast moving outflow boundary coming NE from the storms in VA. That could ignite some additional storm development into the metro areas. Radar is looking pretty lit up to the west and southwest.
  17. I can see the storm SW of York, PA from my apartment in Columbia. Looks decent from here - have a hyperlapse running on it right now.
  18. The wind gust product on the COD model page shows that line packing 50-55kt winds.
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