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Everything posted by Kmlwx

  1. About as expected. Long hurricane season remaining, though.
  2. I'll be very curious to see the UNL Drought Monitor update next Thursday.
  3. Odds seem (as always) low at this point. But if that trough gets cutoff or goes sufficiently negative i don't see why that -couldn't- happen. Seems lots of options are on the table (as always). But that is the big wildcard scenario IMO for east coast impacts.
  4. Late reply, sorry! GREarth (requires subscription)
  5. Wow this training line looks like it means business. Multiple possible spinny areas embedded in it. Tropical system life!
  6. The activity in Charles County, MD has beefed up recently.
  7. That stuff east and northeast of Richmond bears watching as it heads up into our area.
  8. Just saw they are discontinuing the streamgage near me...seems like a funding issue. Bummed out - https://waterdata.usgs.gov/monitoring-location/01650500/#parameterCode=00065&period=P7D&showMedian=false @Eskimo Joe - Is county funding not something that can help here? Probably a discussion for DM or banter. Seems a few other gauges in the area are "endangered" as well.
  9. Decent looking couplet approaching Rockville.
  10. https://caps.ou.edu/reu/reu21/finalpapers/Sloan_FinalPaper.pdf
  11. Doesn't LWX have some additional responsibility for the Chesapeake Bay? I might be wrong.
  12. If that track verifies - the conditional TOR threat would certainly be present.
  13. Disgusting out there with a 78 dewpoint....heat index over 100 here already.
  14. It's far enough west that it bring a tornado threat into play.
  15. If only we were in S PA. CSU MLP and SPC seem decently enthusiastic about their odds for severe t'storms today.
  16. Lately it seems like the first REALLY refreshing air masses don't show up until well into October lol
  17. NAM nest rolling in now is weaker and HRRR seems less enthusiastic as well.
  18. The usually stingy HRRR is actually semi-decent - maybe not for severe but storms across a decent chunk of the area. Of course there will be deadzones and jackpots. CAMs vary in coverage and intensity.
  19. 1999! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hurricane_Floyd
  20. It will be interesting to see what the tropics do once they wake up in mid-August and beyond. Of course it's always low odds, but if it's as busy as the experts expect - would think something either gives us remnants from a Gulf strike or maybe this is the year an Isabel or similar returns.
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