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About Kmlwx

  • Birthday 09/14/1991

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Colesville, MD
  • Interests
    Meteorology, Packers, local crime news

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  1. A lot of people in the main thread need to read more and post less. It's not about post count...
  2. NS = Northern stream Meaning that he doesn't expect much southern stream involvement like energy ejecting out of the SW region. Instead, clippers and little impulses in the northern stream - and getting them to dig and time up to pass south of our latitude (hopefully).
  3. It's because of his concrete pouring, I think.
  4. Bumping because it looks like we are low odds on accumulating snow in the lowlands.
  5. If anything it'll be severe Look at CSU MLP
  6. Furthest west I've been along that general "route" is into the Shenandoah/Luray area. I've been out to Ohiopyle, PA - but yes - Davis I've never been to! Ashamed to admit!
  7. All this talk about Davis, WV lately - might be time at some point in 2024-2025 to take my first time trek out that way.
  8. Surprised at how hard it's coming down here. No stickage though.
  9. Flakes in Colesville, MD. Pretty! Hopefully the first of many until April!
  10. Significant power blips in Colesville, MD. Generator has kicked on and off three times now. The blips are long enough to trigger it but it's happened quite a few times now. May just cut the house over to generator power until the weather passes to keep it from flipping back and forth.
  11. Using my same method as last year - wild stab in the dark. BWI: 11.5" DCA: 8.5" IAD: 17.5" RIC: 2.5" Tiebreaker (SBY): 0.5"
  12. I also use Pivotal. I like it for the most part.
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