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Everything posted by ORH_wxman

  1. Flow goes very meridional for a time so that’s the period to watch imho. Model guidance tends to struggle the most when you have northern stream shortwaves coming out of the arctic where sampling is bad and satellite data is distorted. That’s when we can get those threats to pop out of nowhere at like D5-6
  2. You’ll be right back on the train once the clown maps have you in double digits on the next threat.
  3. Snow has become crunchy under foot as temp is down to 27. Somewhat frustrating storm here as we missed the real goods by maybe 25-30 miles but can’t complain too much considering further northeast got totally hosed…and it was good to see the snow drought areas in CT get slammed. They were due for one.
  4. Actually a lot of longer range guidance tries to reload after about a week. I don’t necessarily buy it but LR guidance isn’t in any type of consensus.
  5. Drove down to Ashland center a while ago and they literally had like 1.5” of compacted glop. Less than half of what I had a couple miles away and 200+ feet higher.
  6. Classic. Short term busts have become rarer and rarer, but then when one happens, it’s because of CC. No shame at all.
  7. Seriously. Nice clipper event and then it’s teeing up potential for Saturday. Would be nice to grab some events even if they aren’t huge. Hopefully we can time up a bigger one next week.
  8. Saturday has been off and on, but I think it's mostly off for now.
  9. 2/24 has some tepid support in the ensembles....OP GGEM liked it a lot, but thats an OP run....GEFS you can see have a weak signal, but the western ridge is there
  10. Winding down here. About 4” of paste…on the pavement it was more like 3”. At least it makes nice piles.
  11. I'm also wondering if up by here we were fighting just a little bit of dry air aloft....we had some really good echoes over us for a time, but we never approached the rates that were occurring in CT. Maybe maxed out around an 1 inch per hour and it didn't last long. Deep moisture/saturation versus some very marginal dry air trying to nose its way into the bands can make a huge difference....particularly when you're trying to shoot for 2"/hr or higher.
  12. Last warning on your ad hominem bullshit before just suspending you. I told you before we are a pretty tolerant bunch but you have crossed the line again.
  13. There is definitely some residual warmth in eastern areas that further SW in CT was able to overcome....even here near 495 with some elevation, we're pretty wet with the snow and it's not accumulating like you would normally expect with these echoes.
  14. I think it's now or never for your area over to the 495 belt E of you near me. Really picking up here again now and you can see all the echoes darkening....this is prob the final push of fronto....hopefully we can get a good 2-3 hours but we're trying to hold off that northwest edge trying to sick SE.
  15. That's crazy they have less than inch. Millis is pretty low though...most of the town is like 100 feet ASL. My extra 250-300 feet is def helping some.
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