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Everything posted by ORH_wxman

  1. A lot of areas out east will start a bit slow. Prob a few rain drops or white rain at the onset while initial banding is west and then I’d expect it to all of the sudden go nuts.
  2. I was only half-kidding when I said Scooter to Tblizz might jackpot this. There’s a period where that zone could absolutely rip for 3 hours or so. If they get into one of those bands that’s 2-3”/hr, all bets off. I think there’s going to be an initial weenie band west out toward our friends in W/C CT and then things are rapidly going to try and congeal to the east.
  3. It’s gonna be funny watching the south shore to Tblizz jackpotting with 8-10” after all the hand wringing.
  4. I don’t think Boston is going to lose that much QPF at the beginning. Maybe a little bit as they wait for the BL to cool…Xmas 2017 needed a deeper dynamic cooling from higher aloft before flipping to snow.
  5. NAMs have def been consistently the lowest on QPF aside from the previous Euro runs…but 12z Euro left the NAMs as the lowest now. I’ll feel a bit better if they bump up at 00z.
  6. The “meh” is because I think too many get addicted to the higher end outputs. When you mentally start expecting a major major snowstorm with over 1” of QPF and then reality smacks you back to half that, there’s an emotional letdown. But in an absolute sense, this is still a pretty solid event….and there’s still a chance for some banding surprises too.
  7. It’s probably going to be a pretty solid event for most of SNE. Those shifts are just confirming what so many have already posted previously….those zonked 1”+ QPF runs were overdone. A solid 0.4-0.7 QPF with decent ratios is nothing to sneeze at though…especially given the last couple of winters.
  8. It’s frequently a red flag when NAM is paltry because the bias of that model is to be zonked with huge QPF. We’d be tossing it if it showed a solution tracking over Scooter’s Fanny. I don’t think there’s a reason to be crazy down on this event, but I don’t want unrealistic expectations either….widespread big warning totals (say lots of double digit amounts mixed with with high single digits) might be a heavy lift.
  9. 3km might be even more Meh. Those runs were basically keeping the WCB and CCB completely disjointed. The WCB just runs east with all that convection. Which could be real too.
  10. 1/24 is more likely than 1/22. I think 1/22 is pretty much gone though can’t rule out some weenie snow on the Cape. Had a fleeting chance still maybe 12h ago but models are pretty happy to punt it now. 1/24 has some work to do but there’s enough interest on ensemble guidance to keep following.
  11. The actual accumulating snow is prob about 6-8 hours. Yeah, a few weenie flakes may persist until 2-4am but that won’t change any totals. It’s a fast mover. Someone could stack quickly if they get into good banding with ratios but hard to forecast that for everyone.
  12. I actually took my snow blower out of the shed today and started it. I’ve used it once in the past 2 years…zero times in winter of 2022-23 and once last winter in the 1/7 event. Pretty sure I’ll use it in this event. Hopefully I didn’t jinx it either. It really hits home what a dearth of warning snowfall events we’ve had. I’ve had so many 2-4” events and most of them (until the 12/20 and 1/11 events) were marginal paste that prob accumulated half that on the driveway anyway. Been really pathetic.
  13. Washington has been pathetic for so long that all the NFC East fans don’t mind them as much these days. That may change quickly though, lol. Anyways, I’m feeling pretty good about 5-8” into your hood with a chance at 10”+ lolli. I think it might go to town there for a few hours during that period where it’s starting to crank up but shooting ENE at the same time…might be an enhanced few hours of heavy snow.
  14. Don’t think they’ll go watches tonight. If anything probably warnings since the overnight package is gonna be like 18 hours before the onset. Might go watches in afternoon package today?
  15. The entire gulf coast down there is in a remarkable setup. Could be some serious accumulations down to the delta in Louisiana and beaches of Alabama and Mississippi…in addition to the Florida panhandle.
  16. Yeah that’s a pretty bad performance right there. If we start from yesterday 12z, I think we’re going to end up getting like a 70/30 or 80/20 compromise toward the GFS run. Doesn’t happen too often. I am still slightly worried about the precip shield. Euro finally looks pretty good but there’s still hints of raggedness even there and on GFS (and NAM is more ragged)
  17. They will do well imho. Their only risk was if these super zonked solutions like rgem prior to 12z were going to verify and make them too warm at 925 but that seems like a non-starter now. You typically want an intense mesoband with big ratios to get double digits in a storm moving this fast. We’ve seen in some before but it’s hard to forecast it. There is a cross hair sig showing up on a lot of guidance so it’s something to watch.
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