Most day 9 potential storms don't work out so it wouldn't be surprising. But who knows...maybe something else breaks favorable like Monday or the 1/11 system comes back from the dead.
Yes, it's good you are snowing now...the other question there is how much QPF you get from the afternoon stuff. The best is prob to your east and northeast, but by how much? Maybe you get an inch this afternoon....or maybe you get 3".
Looks like around 17z-22z is the best period....this morning's batch is kind of the appetizer but the better lift and soundings look like when that commahead tries to form.
The crappy solutions for the 1/14 storm are not inserting much northern stream energy. That is a requirement for the storm to be any good. You don’t want this just cutting off from the polar jet otherwise it turns into a spring storm.
I think it’s mostly going to be how good the lift is. A lot of those zonked solutions with 4-6” had big omega and big QPF on 3 hour progs. Some of these warmer ones are just a bit more subdued on the dynamics. It’s usually safer to go with the more subdued progs but you always have to keep the zonked ones in the back of your mind when you have an unstable sounding like we have tomorrow.
Weeklies actually look decent for late Jan and early Feb….but we know the caveats. It goes more toward a classic La Niña pattern but with a pretty strong AK ridge which is usually good in February…longer wavelengths tend to make it less likely you get the AK trough folding back and digging in Cabo San Lucas.
Yeah I thought you had something in that. I remember 2/13 porking your area. Even in back bay where I was working on 2/13 and it was like 4-5" of total paste but over on the water it was almost nothing.
Anyways....should be interesting tomorrow....hopefully there's some really intense bands.