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Everything posted by ORH_wxman

  1. Soundings have been looking better today for Wednesday....more moisture getting in here. I think there's a great chance for many to see first flakes.
  2. Might be two shots next week (including next weekend)...that first wave around 11/7-8 which looks more marginal (shows up as a cutter on the GGEM) but then behind that there is a distinct amplification of the western ridge showing up on both OP and ensemble runs which could put another threat into the 11/10-12 timeframe.
  3. The day before Tday in 2002 was sort of a NJ model low....really popped quick and I think CT jackpotted with some 10"+ lollis on what was something like a 3-6/4-8 forecast. This is prob the storm Tip was thinking of in 1986: http://www.meteo.psu.edu/ewall/NARR/1986/us1119.php
  4. Split flow underneath a cold Canada and northern tier is showing up on a lot of medium/Long range guidance. Definitely some potential I think in that 11/8-11/12 window…the 11/1 threat looks just too compressed and SE to be able to make a late comeback, but I do like the chances of another model threat or two coming up, even if they don’t pan out.
  5. I’m hoping we get some sort of mitigating factor to keep it somewhat cold for late November….because the first half looks really good for ski areas trying to ramp up snow making. But it’s fairly common to have a warmer late November and December in El Niños. But it’s not a hard and fast rule. If we can pop some Atlantic blocking, then something like that would help offset other warmer influences.
  6. We could sneak in some above normal days between 11/3-11/5 but I agree the average of the first 10 days of November will def be below normal.
  7. GFS had like 3 snow events on that run and Wednesday was a whiff too…lol. Weenie pattern. Ensembles do sort of agree on a chance for an event or two after the mild period 11/3-11/5 or so…we get the initial cold shot, then warm back up, but then go into another colder pattern for like a week into mid-month….then it looks like we warm back up after that as typical Nino climo kicks in for second half of November…but we’ll see.
  8. Nice to see the trailing shortwave sharpen up a little. If it can trend that way a little more, then we’re looking at a more dynamic system which would increase the chances of better snows.
  9. Did we ever find out what type of training he had in military? If he had stealth and survival training then he could live for a long time in the woods…though I suspect he’d have a hard time surviving the winter in back country Maine. Gets so damned cold there. But he could also be in the Everglades by now too.
  10. Yeah prob take about 40% of that for realistic numbers if we’re using the rest of the model output verbatim. If we can get solid rates, then maybe you’d get closer to 10 to 1…but that’s tough this time of year. You need like -2 or colder at 925 imho.
  11. I'm not an expert by any means on RONI....but from the stuff I've read it seems to have some utility in adjusting how an ENSO event may behave instead of just going by the raw numbers.
  12. Yeah I think there's some conflating of what is going on....you might have a small group of wishcasters on twitter or wherever who try and say this will be a weak/mod modoki-style event.....and I don't really see anyone in here advocating that. I do see some in here advocating for more of a *strong* (but not super) Nino behavior that is maybe more like a blend of years like '57/'65/'09 or something like that....to which I can say that isn't without merit based on what we've seen so far. Doesn't mean we go full cold/snow in the east, but it would represent an important difference compared to a typical Super Nino. Of course the MEI is going to rise because it's barely even in *weak* Nino territory at 0.6....so saying the MEI is going to rise is kind of like announcing it's going to get dark tonight. The question though is *how much* the MEI will rise. I'd be fairly skeptical of it rising into any of the territories seen during previous Super Ninos based on how far behind it is right now.
  13. Yeah that dude seems unhinged. It's not like forecasting ENSO strength is a mature science with low uncertainty....I'm immediately skeptical of anyone who shows a LOT of confidence in it. It's especially weird to portray so much confidence when we're about to have one of the larger 1 month busts in recent years on model guidance strength of an ENSO event. I don't follow him much on twitter, but I'm wondering if he ever put out any numbers on what he thought the strength of this would be by the end of October.
  14. I wouldn't rule another threat trying to sneak into the fray either prior to mid-month in November....there's a bit of a relaxation after the initial 11/1 threat...like in the 11/3-5 window but then it looks like a potential reload of a colder shot...there's a weak NAO block that retrogrades and sort of re-invigorates the EPO cold loading, so it's something to watch. This isn't super uncommon in El Nino Novembers either...you've probably noticed Scott and I talk about an early/mid November snow threat being a frequent feature of developing El Ninos. The question is whether we can reattain the favorable pattern in December or if we have to wait until January.
  15. Yeah we'll need the trailing shortwave to trend a bit deeper....but again, that's a trend I'd rather need than deamplifying...feel like that's the best way to snow anyway. We'll want that airmass settled in as much as possible before the OH valley shortwave moves in. The whole thing is still somewhat unlikely.....but can't complain too much about tracking even a marginal threat a few days before Halloween.
  16. Eh, it's def the bias of the GFS, but it actually went a bit SE from the 06z run....I'm not really all that invested yet since it's a D5 threat, but you prob don't want to see other guidance doing that...granted it wasn't a big move SE, prob mostly noise for a D5 prog....the GGEM looks quite similar to 00z. I said yesterday I'd rather need a bit more amping up as we get closer rather than the other way around...and we're in that spot right now.
  17. A lot of ensemble guidance is trying to form a -PNA trough out west and in the GOA very late in the period near mid-November. This would actually be fairly consistent with the tropical forcing in the 8-1 regions in November El Nino.
  18. Yes it is. The potential for SNE is really Wednesday night and Thursday edit: next Tuesday night and Wednesday
  19. Yeah I like how the western ridge re-flexes on a lot of those GFS runs…EPS has been showing the longwave trough reestablishing itself too after the relaxation in the 11/4-11/7 period. I’m hoping that’s a sign of a different regime this winter.
  20. Oh that’s good news…hopefully they take him (either dead or alive) without anyone else getting hurt.
  21. Yeah and if he was military-trained, he might have some training in survival and stealth. Back country Maine is about as remote as it gets once you get up into the northwest third…almost on par with some of the remoteness of the west even.
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