Synoptically, I’m mostly in agreement with Tip on the setup wanting to favor this pressing a bit more. You start with a very cold antecedent airmass (850 temps between -15c and -20c over much of New England on Friday). You have a 50/50 low that is actively strengthening at the same time the block is pushing south…these will act to lower heights over southeastern Canada….but that said, there’s still enough room if that PV tries to “lobe-out” a bit to the west and southwest, we could plausibly sneak this sucker up northwest enough with surgical precision to manifest the least interesting solution possible.
In any normal winter or group of winters (given the last 2 years prior to this), I’d say fade the northwest guidance and hedge the southeast guidance…but we seem to find ways to maximize the pain around here so I’m paying plenty of attention to the rainers showing up. Let’s see if we get any help at 12z.