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Everything posted by AACOUNTYMD

  1. they are brining the roads around Annapolis and my accuweather forecast says 10 hours of light snow Wednesday night into Thursday morning and accumulating "an inch or two." dunno. . .
  2. 3.5 in Crownsville. maybe we end up with 5.5?
  3. at least two inches in Herald Harbor. Just took a quick trip down to the mall area. All primary and secondary roads have caved (though I didn't see 97)
  4. steady, light and I dare say polite snow. . . carefully snowing in Herald Harbor
  5. How does it look for us in Central AA county? So much doom and gloom. . .
  6. how much later does the NAM start? Later is better, no? with respect to accumulating snow
  7. before the Feb 11-12 thread was shut down, there was an undercurrent or perhaps just plain current of "this is going to be a bust." Now I am stressed. That is my only observation, and that it is sunny out.
  8. Can anyone give a starting time window on Tuesday. In lurking through the pages, starting time in DC and east after 4:00 on Tuesday? thanks!
  9. snow remains steady. beautiful.
  10. Hasn't stopped snowing all day. . . truly a wonder Any Herald Harbor, Arden, Palisades, Sherwood Forest people out here?
  11. constant snizzle. . . but seems to be picking up a bit. Close to 8 here
  12. very unscientific. . . but looks like7.5 hasn't really stopped. . . still light snow. keeps looking like the radar is going to shut off the snow, but just keeps coming. I'll take it. In the Herald Harbor part of Crownsville. . . on the Severn
  13. burst has slowed. probably got 1.5 since about 9:00 total is 6.5. still doing. . . something. went on a WAWA run, 97 largely covered, all back roads covered.
  14. 6 inches here. . . snowing pretty good. . . my weather app says chances of snow all day, every hour. what are the chances of that actually happening. . . this is not a rhetorical question. seriously
  15. I love donuts, but, can you explain what kind of donuts you are talking about? is this a good thing... Snonuts?
  16. ok, friend! I sure hope so. . . we have been in the bullseye off and on. . . so I have my fingers crossed. 5=10 inches is great. . .hoping for the 10 up here
  17. i was lurking on another forum- if the high is stronger coming out of the Tennessee Valley, will that bring up warmer-ish air and more moisture?
  18. I can count on one hand the number of times I have been in the bullseye for snow. . . ok, I can count on one finger. But as a long time lurker and rare post-er, i know that being in the bullseye three days out isn't all that it might seem to be. Keep the good news coming, everyone. . .
  19. Fabian was certainly worse. Loss of life did occur, sadly.
  20. Humberto- a little research gives me this info: Gusts to 144 were measured with top sustained winds of 83 storm surge 2-4 feet. 11 medical calls. . .no serious injuries or loss of life My friends there mentioned A lot of downed trees, 80% of the island lost power, small boats damaged/sunk. . Mini tornadoes were reported, which didn't help. Bird population was especially hit hard. . . Roads were almost all made passable within 24 hours and people went to work So, yes, there was damage, Cat 2-3 is no joke. But, if any island is ready as they can be, it is Bermuda.
  21. I have been to Bermuda 25 plus times over my lifeltime- a gorgeous island in every way. Most recently at the end of July. Their houses are all made of limestone from the foundation to the roof. They have a robust emergency preparation/response system. Not a lot of low-lying areas. They are better prepared to withstand a major hurricane than almost anywhere else and will experience minimal structural damage or loss of life (if any) Powerlines are all above ground, so that is the biggest problem they face and have in the past. No one likes not having power for any length of time for sure. Many Bermudians are stocking up appropriately, without panic. . . including an appropriate amount of dark rum, ginger beer, and limes for dark 'n stormies.
  22. managed to have slalomed between the no-snow patches all day.
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