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About wtkidz

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    Fredericksburg VA

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  1. Try not a flake just outside Fredericksburg. So be thankful for anything you get. Mama Nature will do what she wants weather you like it or not. Pun intended.
  2. Wait till you are 67 you will not be able to sleep….
  3. Nope you cannot have it. That is Fredericksburg’s claim….. we have an anti snow dome….
  4. You all might want to look at this…. It appears to be coming…
  5. Honestly do you think this is 2010 and a storm can be predicted accurately 3 days out? This is 2024. Nothing is easy. Things may change but if not we just go on…. I am a firm believer that this current weather system must be gone befor it can get a handle on the next system. We will all see.
  6. I understand and was just expressing my thoughts.
  7. All should be hoping for a bit more southern and eastern track. To my uneducated eye , at the rate it is moving north and west It may only be the western side and pioints west of the blue ridge having snow. Just sayin…
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