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Everything posted by Stormfly

  1. It really did spike here overnight.
  2. It's scary when we can use the lower levels as a multistop filter! PM 2.5 readings here have been dropping thank goodness after being in the 'hazardous' category earlier. We really need this weather pattern to switch gears NOW and get this toxic soup out of here! Has there been a study on how smoke particles traveling for 100s/1000s of miles can become more hazardous from exposure to other pollutants? This has an acrid odor similar to burning polyethylene. It definitely cannot be good to be exposed to. At least we do have cabin filters in cars now that will significantly reduce it when driving.
  3. I'm not looking forward to kitten sized hailstones!
  4. Mid 140s for 2.5 is not nice for us. This is cutting PV production here to nearly bright overcast levels. Sick!
  5. I guess all this boring weather is hard on the bull gear!
  6. I've been losing about 20-25kWh/day of production due to it!
  7. Cape Charles is awesome! Last time I was at the pier in November 2021 there was some rails missing and some ominous looking tape between the pilings.
  8. Wow that's some serious damage! Looks like large caliber exit wounds!
  9. 2002. I was in exhibition hall, Timonium Fairgrounds and there was smoke around the overhead lights and thought there was a fire nearby. Went outside and the sun had that "ultem" yellow tinge. And it was on the news along with the satellite pix showing the journey practically reaching Bermuda! This AM definitely noticed the smoke/haze obscuring the sun. Reminded me of fall of 2020.
  10. Countless times. Shocked from sideflashes. My ECG shows irregularities from the damages. I'd take it to the banter thread though as I don't want to clog this up.
  11. Many years ago I felt that way about lightning. My best advice is be careful what you wish for!
  12. We have a mating pair nearby and the "laughing" call drives my dog nuts. They do like the tree stumps though and get fairly close but are about as skittish as a fox when it comes to human noise!
  13. Wow big difference since last time I checked. The May sun angle is really taking its toll.
  14. Interesting, reminds me of so called "Behringer syndrome" as musicians and audio pros call it.
  15. Just curious, what is the failure mode? I only ask because I have a portable weatherradio alert (Ratshack brand, hehe) from the early 90s that still works.
  16. Wow 212GW is absolutely crazy! This is big.
  17. Update! As of now, I cannot recommend this system to anyone that mounts the unit in a place that is difficult to access. My FIFTH unit has had its pressure sensor fail. This is the SECOND one in a row with an IDENTICAL failure of its pressure sensor. Not sure why the (pressure sensor) is not in the hub (indoor unit) but that's another discussion altogether. As you can see from the link in my sig, the pressure has dropped a full FIVE inches of mercury instantly during yesterday's storms. Nothing severe. Matter of fact, when unit 4 failed in this manner in Feb we were having similar weather conditions.
  18. Yes it has happened before! In 2014 we took a direct hit to both towers. Lots of damage even with very good lightning mitigation (rods, buried pipe, et al). Neighbor across the street had direct hit to chimney in 1998. We had bricks near our mailbox 100' away! Crazy what power a direct strike has. The one in 2014 was not a typical instant flash but a flickery type where the bolts appear to be connecting over and over again. In the basement it sounded like someone dropped a pack of firecrackers down the ash chute on the chimney. The well casing had Lichtenberg patterns where the grass was killed. Well pump motor pierced and feed lines (three wire deep submersible) torched with melted nylon jacket. Poly pipe holed and leaking. Charred wires in walls, smoke in attic. If we weren't well grounded who knows, we could have died or the house burned to the ground! It's no joke I'll tell you that!
  19. All bark, no bite. Severe warned, but no severe which is nearly always the case here. It did rain pretty hard, matter of fact it's raining hard right now. Thunder was magnificent, just right intensity and rolled on forever I'd take that over the instant boom like a rifle shot with instantaneous blinding flash coming through every window setting the cats off in every direction but down! When the knives on the wall snap from sparks jumping between them and/or I get shocked if I'm touching something metal in the house, yes that is TOO CLOSE! It did look nice before the rain (and half a minute of pea sized hail) came! p.s. the 15 degree temp drop feels nice too!
  20. It's actually 69F here. That temp is the board temp inside the camera. It would be nice if it read the ambient though.
  21. Looks juicy, getting 35mph non tstorm gusts here before the line.
  22. Wow that is super early!
  23. Ambient Weather WS-2000. https://www.amazon.com/Ambient-Weather-WS-2000-Station-Monitoring/dp/B07GRBY9NP/ref=sr_1_5?crid=2646YYTZTN6KA&keywords=ambient+weather+ws-2000&qid=1681749734&sprefix=ambient+wea%2Caps%2C78&sr=8-5&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.c3015c4a-46bb-44b9-81a4-dc28e6d374b3 I have both Tempest and WS-2000 stations (link in sig). Biggest disappointment in Tempest is rainfall "accuracy". The ultrasonic wind can also give false reports from honeybees and saturated surfaces from long periods of rain. Cup/blade rotating anemometers don't have this problem. The instrument is not really designed to be professionally mounted on a tower. I've been through 4 of them (currently on number 5). Good news is their support is first class. (never paid a dime for shipping either way and the last replacement was outside of the full two year warranty and was replaced free of charge.) Ambient Weather has a nice console that can be mounted on a wall. It should be plugged into a UPS or its power supply cord modified to work with a 5V USB battery bank. A power outage will clear reported max daily wind gust, for example. Its accuracy including rain is excellent. Also all parameters can be tuned via gain settings which may be useful. Soil moisture, lightning, air quality sensors can be added too. For non professional grade (PWS), it's quite decent.
  24. Nice thunderstorm now, moving east. Picked up another quarter inch and it feels better too.
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