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Kitzbuhel Craver

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Everything posted by Kitzbuhel Craver

  1. Yeah, I actually just took a look.. GFS hangs quite a bit of moisture back, then the Sunday storm comes right in on its heels. Pretty sweet look there
  2. What are we thinking for duration with this? Like a midnight to noon deal?
  3. Wiz goin bullish has got me giddy considering he is one of the more conservative forecasters. Love how he is backing it up with some meteorological reasoning, not weenie modelology. Kudos
  4. Good for James, he’s gotta be pumped. Ginxy you gotta be loving this too..
  5. Finally! Get off work after a tough week, check the forum. 6 pages of bliss. The snow, the weekend, it’s FN party time! Also, the Graupler is the most masterful troll I’ve ever seen. Funny stuff dude or dudette.
  6. Went up to Jay yesterday. Don’t get me wrong it was freakin cold, but doable with proper gear... Man, what a phenomenal session. Wind holds for the two days prior had left Tramside untouched and everything got blown into the woods. Thigh high fresh tracks ALL DAY, not too crowded at all either. Just a different world up there. DEEP winter intact. I give the day a solid A-
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