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Kitzbuhel Craver

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Everything posted by Kitzbuhel Craver

  1. Tough forecast with this current storm, lots of head fakes. However, models were incredibly consistent showing that Albany right across Central/Northern Mass were gonna get smoked. Also, incredibly consistent in showing a gaping dry slot over CT. It is truly fascinating psychology(not to get all Tippy on everyone)to see what has the highest probability of occurring, yet the weenie in us refuses to grasp the reality. Instead we wait eagerly for the next run to show us what we want. Lol!!! It’s been showing us, statistically speaking that when 20 runs out of 25 have the same general idea, humble thy weenie and accept what is most likely going to happen. This is definitely something I need to put into practice, lol.
  2. Had some mood snow earlier, which was nice to see although it had a hard time accumulating at 32 degrees on the nose pretty much all day. Shut off at about 2:00, Nothing since. hoping for some flakes tonight...
  3. Lol, freakin force field around CT on radar. Don’t let one flake in dammit!!
  4. Bout .6” and currently sleet/snizzle. Round 1=Fail.
  5. An abrupt change to freezing drizzle/sleet, visibility just went way up.
  6. Interesting... back to decent snow growth, no parachutes anymore. Snowing at a mod/heavy clip! Gorgeous!!!
  7. Ripping Yuge flakes in Meriden. Sleet a cometh...
  8. There hasn’t been many favorable model runs for CT and there hasn’t been many of the brilliant mets on this forum saying much of anything positive for weenies in CT. It’s pretty clear that a line from around Albany, straight across northern Mass/NH border is the zone. I’m keeping expectations super low. It’s the way to go and it also has worked out fantastically for my marriage.
  9. At least I can maintain my completely snake bitten CT winter weather vibe from last season right on to 19/20. Let’s keep it curmudgeonly awful in the Constitution State!!! Get pumped!!!
  10. Eww. Ugly in CT, albeit Kent. That hole is showing up on Multiple pieces of guidance now. Gotta hope round two provides a lil suttin.
  11. Eagerly awaiting some messenger ticks. Trends have been, well as Scooter put it, poopy. Those mid levels are cooking this morning.
  12. As inaccurate as it is, I still don’t want a D4/5 bullseye. Never a good thing. Lol
  13. In all seriousness Happy Thanksgiving fellas! Here’s to all the weenies far and wide having the winter of their dreams from the picnic tables to the Corey Snow Hole.
  14. Well, well, well.... All of the sudden my ween stands at full attention.
  15. Bout 11” of some sticky-icky. Everything caked, just gorgeous.
  16. Well it’s not Wiz’s 6-10, but at this point I’ll take a fluffy inch. With snow still coming down at a good clip on a Saturday Morning whilst sipping coffee with the fam, is a win for sure. Wintry appeal.
  17. Hopefully this isn’t a full out messenger special here.
  18. Am I missing something? This was alwayfor the southern/eastern sufferers. Still looks good
  19. Where’s the correlation? Wiz is a red tag and James is king weenie?
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