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Torch Tiger

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Everything posted by Torch Tiger

  1. Yeah, rare you see so many mets going wild for a wintry long-range look. Seems like nothing can go wrong.
  2. Nice winter up there so far, hope it continues for you!
  3. we all discussed it, as you get older, cranky, joints hurt, etc. the cold rain and snow is pretty pointless. outside of hardcore winter enthusiasts, or maybe near Christmas for mood, no want
  4. hopefully the ice and snow melts quickly and safely for everyone
  5. wow, ~1 month away from sun angle and 2024 Spring banter!!! Great winter thus far
  6. 11/24 and not a trace, nor inch or snow. Let's go!!!!
  7. May not be until next winter you see that much snow falling?
  8. RGW I only read half of the outlook, mostly 2nd half. For the snowfall #'s, IMO cut most of those #'s by 10-25%. Not a big deal, but I don't see for ex: Albany 70"+. I'd go 55-65". Also, those Mid-Atlantic numbers seem a bit high. snowfall prediction is quite fickle esp. south so I could easily be wrong and very wrong, and of course one 12-18" whopper for DC/NYC satisfies some/most of their seasonal averages. Now watch ALB go 100+
  9. Wolfie gonna start making arrests for free speech
  10. White Thanksgiving. lol Yeah forget about snow, we can't even rain
  11. I really want everything down for turkey day, powerhouse screamer, but it's unlikely
  12. Some of my favorite events as a kid/teen were those 60-80mph south or southeast screamers. Sign me up for a scream w/ the 'fine line' that ends everything, then we roar 50-60 on backside. Not sure what happened to those setups but hopefully we're due
  13. Eh sometimes, though agree it is more rare to exceed wind forecasts than fall short.
  14. Folks should plan on cooking Wednesday AM because of the widespread outages, cold leftovers for T-day
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