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Torch Tiger

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Everything posted by Torch Tiger

  1. Yeah CNE/NNE, pouring rain and 50's here. Maybe a few bangers if we're lucky
  2. looking more like post Dec. 20th for anything significant outside of CNE/NNE. QPF won't be much of an issue so there's always the risk of a SNE elevation big 'un, after the dry spell
  3. but you're probably talking about CT...so yes. bone dry/cold clipper wx to cold pouring rains is most likely. but NNE may be ok Dec 6-13th roughly
  4. that 12z gfs was somewhat ugly. Good for NNE winter activities but shyt for wx hobbyists
  5. It's rare not to see a flake of snow into December, but w/e.
  6. Going into December without a flake of snow? It's super rare even here SNE, nothing silly at all
  7. don't worry things will change, we just don't know what will happen
  8. remember when it would snow in October and November, if only a few renegade flakes? It's crazy seeing NO snow at all going into December. Maybe Christmas at this rate.. wow Happy Thanksgiving
  9. Hopefully they "NNE" get absolutely croaked right through Napril
  10. I guess when you've gotten nearly nothing for multiple seasons, a dried-out N stream/clipper pattern is a W
  11. No one knows for sure, things will change, etc. That's the "educated discussion". neurosis crew start your own thread
  12. Hopefully we see a few solid rain/interior elevation slop/snow events over the next couple weeks.
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