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Torch Tiger

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Everything posted by Torch Tiger

  1. I don't hate. warm season can be snow
  2. I am hoping you have at least 2' in those foothills. Disappointed otherwise
  3. Honestly I hope you have 3-6' of snow
  4. Only two seasons, cold season ended weeks ago.
  5. People are outright wishing for several feet of snow, which would result in major tree/ limb damage being leafed out and extensive property damage. Disturbing.
  6. I hope you (NNE) see 4-8' of snow, then immediately catapult straight into 70s-80s with dews and torrential MCS activity
  7. Wèenies still talking about snow.
  8. Very cool September-like day.
  9. 70/40...yeah, that screams winter....:/
  10. It's great wx, not sure what the uproar is all about.
  11. We've been craving early summer and it is delivering.
  12. You are correct, the LR guidance I have seen has modulated a lot of that "cold" and wet over. to something more norm climo
  13. 06z gfs looks quite summery at times in the LR.
  14. It looks like we'll see a few a few storms, but they'll be rather light. Nusciance variety.
  15. Gorgeous day, IPA's and golf for all.
  16. Yeah, 4-8" qpf across most of NE.
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