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Torch Tiger

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Everything posted by Torch Tiger

  1. This looks really good for thunder chances.
  2. Yeah, your latitude doesn't help too. CT/W Ma is a different story as you know. Upcoming pattern looks pretty typical for a weak el nino & late May
  3. Awesome 0z Euro, heat and storms. We await
  4. The crude maps I see range from generally 1-3"qpf. Either way, should be warm and active.
  5. What an 18z gfs run. It's literally perfect.
  6. Sun goes down, temps go uppity up,
  7. Had some nice Aug storms, too. IIRC
  8. we have a full five months of summer wx and discussion still to come, it's awesome.
  9. Summer should rip right into Oct., then the flip to winter mid month.
  10. It's going to be a long, long summer
  11. Last call to install on the 12z gfs. Wow
  12. I like the overall look. We'll see.
  13. Nice setup around D9 on the gfs.
  14. Dryslot is working its way into western MA which will hinder any additional heavy rainfall or snow accumulation behind it, even at the higher elevations. COOP Observers along the eastern slope of the Berkshires are only reporting rain at 2000 feet, with no snow currently mixed in. The heaviest precip looks to be out of the Berkshires which means that they could only see a light dusting of snow as surface temperatures drop just a few more degrees. :D
  15. Yeah it's been generally lousy up north and east, mixed bag here. It'll all be over soon.
  16. Non-stop train of rainers on the 0z gfs. Hope we don't see early tropical impacts this season, too..
  17. Year without a summer. No 70's until December
  18. The good news is that after this anomalous nasty stretch of cold rain we all dread, we're headed back into torch territory next week and maybe, a few strong/severe storms around the 22nd-23rd.
  19. 46.1 rain. Everything is awesome.
  20. We should have some nice thunder opportunities to round out May.
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