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Torch Tiger

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Everything posted by Torch Tiger

  1. sct showers and a few light downpours, mostly SE. NBD
  2. Without rain there is no sun ;/
  3. dark-side folks caving to the HHH cravings now that they are inevitable. next week looks suspect for sustained dews but you have to figure we'll see at least two-three days of heavy, robust dews
  4. Any particular reason the,fv3 maintains high resolution beyond D10? Worth the delay and server load?
  5. Easily 70's and perhaps many more days of 80's which we have enjoyed. room for a few sneaky 90 torches between the cool front intrusions and/ or various s/w impulses along stalled boundries. Not a bad summer.
  6. High for the day 80.5, 82.2 for month.
  7. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/minding-the-body/201203/when-spring-brings-you-down yep, the science is fascinating
  8. a lot of pent up hostility shown by some, lately. maybe it's the benign summer weather? Gorgeous night, 68F
  9. Only around 330 days until next years leaf out!
  10. Nice summer day, very warm and it's going to be great once we get some humidity
  11. it's in the 80's and that's our "cool, dry" lol Yikes
  12. Yeah, already dropping fairly quickly here. Enjoy your 30's
  13. it's going to be a frigid night
  14. the cool and dry weenie wishcasts going around look to fail again
  15. That was a dangerous fail btw, leading up to 6/20/95. Lol
  16. Perhaps a sneaky 66-72 type dew, and cfp which fails (unsweep) and folks are left with 6/20/95 warfare , take cover
  17. If I set the oven broiler for ribs that could hit 85-87 ez
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