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Torch Tiger

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Everything posted by Torch Tiger

  1. 61.4 with a cool breeze. Chicken and sausage on the grill w/ Great North tie dyed APA's chucked around
  2. I think we'll slight risk our way to an active and damaging day
  3. Cool but Dewey through 3pm, now mid summer at 6pm
  4. Damage-side, I am not satisfied until mega asteroid impacts.
  5. I am sorry to hear that you are depressed. Maybe there is someone with considerable psychwx background to fancy helping you on these chats..
  6. Everything is great, temperature has spiked to 57. It's muggy and very cold but the warmth is not far away. Long range looks "meh" for true searing heat, though I haven't seen the euro.
  7. Sweep 'em Monday ... Warm sector airmass fully entrenched across the region with dew pts in the 60s and 925 mb temps of +20C to +22C per GFS and EC. This will support highs well into the 80s, thus will go warmer than guidance given this warm airmass and strong SW flow. This warm sector airmass will be accompanied by CAPES of around 1000 j/kg. Thus will have to watch short wave moving thru the eastern Great Lakes and its attending cold front sweeping across southern New England late Mon/Mon evening. Fairly strong wind field aloft combined with modest instability and surface convergence may trigger a few strong storms. Too far out in time to say much more but definitely will have to be watched.
  8. Roughly a month ago when the seasons changed
  9. The winter pattern crapped out in the late 80s and early 90s, just like our sports teams. Then the mid late 90s revival
  10. The 12z gefs continues with the discontinuous for timing day to day sensible weather in the longer range but you can see an evolution to lower heights across the west and Pac nw and a more zonal flow across the N tier of the US and also Canada. Reminds me of a few of our biggie svr events..
  11. Beautiful day to install, 69.0.
  12. Let's be honest, we are craving a damaging late May into...deep summer
  13. Playing 18 at Norton CC next Tuesday.
  14. This looks really good for thunder chances.
  15. Yeah, your latitude doesn't help too. CT/W Ma is a different story as you know. Upcoming pattern looks pretty typical for a weak el nino & late May
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