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Torch Tiger

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Everything posted by Torch Tiger

  1. 0z gfs is great next week. Should remain active however, with a wee NE retrograde of the squeeze play we have been in the past month. Finally perhaps the bangers we have been craving, moderate to high dews, sans excessive heat.
  2. These 70 dews are pretty chilly
  3. Yeah, I don't think anyone was expecting a sudden ramp up to 90/70 every day. A normal ramp up through 70s and 80s is pretty typical June.
  4. Agreed, that's the signal our hottest temps are coming.
  5. Yeah, was looking ahead more. July/Ughust
  6. Perfection. Two-three months of heat and dews, and then a few short months later days start getting longer again.
  7. 2-4" with 6" lollis for NNE and a hearty helping of relentless dews for SNE. This is glory. This is why we love weather so much.
  8. Torrential pourdown with very high humidity currently. Sign me up, perfect early-mid summugh
  9. Maybe a few strong storms next week. No dews= no severe, no snow, no nothing, I don't understand the contradiction
  10. If you are DC/BWI? You had at least one, or two, or etc solid severe events and people still managed to complain in those threads. I mean, there was one huge line that hit almost everyone and the wind was ONLY 45
  11. please tell me about the MA complaint/whine threads
  12. Yeah I talked about this last week. I personally would not rule out a few sneaky 88-94 days but that should fire up some decent storms to our west. Any of the mesoscale stuff will drive the sensibible weather on any given day. Maybe relatovely cool NNE and a torch sw
  13. We don't just talk the game, we live it
  14. At&t dews out there...reach out and touch folks, surrounding and suffocating
  15. 'Til now I always stayed dry in my home I never really sweat until I met dews Now I'm stifled to the bone How do I install alone?
  16. Looks like CNE sees some torrential pourdowns and maybe flooding. Hopefully most of us can cash in tomorrow pm/night and keep things moist.
  17. Wow, crankiness levels are really maxing out lately, and it's not that hot yet.
  18. Yeah, I love the Big Easy. One of my favorite destinations.
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