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Torch Tiger

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Everything posted by Torch Tiger

  1. This will be three storms in a row with unnecessary hype. The Novembah Tricectah
  2. Yeah, same nice as seeing D7 models show a cat. 3 into LI, also. One run and done nice.
  3. A frigid novemb'r with pond ice skatin', f'rbodes an early wint'r cancellation
  4. The overall pattern does not scream snowstorm to me.
  5. To me, it is more amazing the agreement. I remember in HS and college in the 90's looking at the crude PSC images for the EC, MRF/AVN/GFS etc. and you'd be lucky to see agreement like that D3 or D5. Heh
  6. good luck, those are roughly the same #s I threw out there a few weeks ago for SNE sites.
  7. Yeah definitely, let's get these out of the way now and not February
  8. Pretty nice rainstorm on the 0z guidance next week.
  9. The 33 rain we've all been waiting months for
  10. Yeah. I didn't realize he is still around. There were and are much better mets on Eastern and now American. I think it was his pride that got in the way. He is smart but because he was wrong a lot, people didn't put much confidence in his fcsts, etc.
  11. LC's epic post from Eastern was backlash against weenies who insisted they were going to ice storm, LC disagreed and weenies backlashed strongly. LC had a legit meltdown and ended up wishing not 1", but 2 or 3" of ice somewhere in the Carolinas.
  12. Snow88 said everything is favorable
  13. I'll give it a few more days. Just curious if anyone besides Isotherm cancelled yet
  14. A November 60+ torch before the rainer works
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