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Torch Tiger

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Everything posted by Torch Tiger

  1. wx is pretty nice, the complaining isn't. NNE 'ers aren't too bad, it's mostly the people from NY and surrounding. big-city disposition of neurosis
  2. not even February yet and 70 pages of riled up weenies with pitchforks
  3. I literally said late Feb. into March, not January 30th jumping the trolling gun, folks
  4. No one said anything about this pattern
  5. you are closer to God than I will ever be
  6. Shades of 2012...want want want..hoping for a beastly +nao late month into March too
  7. is your brother and nephew THE Frankie MacDonald? the smartest man in NS?
  8. if loving this winter is wrong I never want to be right, besides the cold second half Nov/Dec., it's perfect
  9. each and every one of us wants 2012 to come walking in
  10. should be some lush green fairways and greens this warm season...take. just hope we don't drought it
  11. If this is going to be the new agw winter, I actually don't mind it
  12. The flow is fast but I'd wager this deal would be well OTS in a -nao with the pac like itnis
  13. definitely but the backdrop is pretty similar...high-latitude blocking is lacking, and so on.
  14. s stream convective feedback is one thing I haven't heard much talk about, odd given the modeling performances this winter.
  15. It is, but how useful is it? I'd rather roll with the srefs
  16. it is a disjointed looking mess and misses wide right.
  17. dug up from a mid-Atlantic weenie thread Joe Bastardi (@BigJoeBastardi) Tweeted: Grand Planetary wave alignment forecasted by Euro ensembles has similaritis to the week of the Legendary March 1993, displaced a bit west Similar more often than not tho, does not produce the same, but pattern certainly looks more wintery
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