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Torch Tiger

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Everything posted by Torch Tiger

  1. rain is welcome, had some local brush fires today
  2. I am sticking with 1-3" that rapidly washes away. Meh
  3. Had lots of birds today...chickadees, cardinals, blue Jay, and a bunch of sparrows. Most feasting on early berries
  4. I love summer, but Spring is really my favorite. Todays sun felt nice in 30's and 40's.
  5. you already hated hhh, how is it another reason?
  6. Coronavirus, another reason to despise winter. :/
  7. that was an ugly run to most. but it is the gfs.
  8. 42.5, real Novembery feel out there
  9. we could see 1-3" here, that's my expectation.
  10. shovel, meh. it'll melt off in hours, if not minutes down here. Maine though, wow, you're screwed. Sucks
  11. he's a troll, the event was well-forecasted (and modeled) Can't wait for a real setup, even if it actually "phails"
  12. never expected this from anyone on this forum, but...you!? Just wow
  13. 2-5" isn't too bad, especially since it'll go pretty quick. Hope you're right
  14. Yeah, looks like a mediocre setup outside of hills and/or a narrow band
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