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Torch Tiger

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Everything posted by Torch Tiger

  1. Yeah, looks pretty weak and forgettable. It just didn't organize much yesterday and now we're seeing an unraveling TS at landfall. At least there will be flooding
  2. I understand what you are saying, but huge rainmakers with marginally gusty winds aren't the enthusiasts cup of tea. Of course marine interests and flooding will enjoy this one
  3. Yeah, big big trouble for those wild CT calls if the east envelope is correct.
  4. if you read the right poster...
  5. Should be pretty light, a few problems in a small zone but for 90% of us it will be just a breezy rainy day.
  6. buoy was east by around 20 miles. at least according to the wind direction switch (SE to NW) and the map there National Data Buoy Center (noaa.gov)
  7. The center has passed buoy 41001. pretty "meh" there overall MM DD TIME (EDT) WDIR WSPD kts GST kts WVHT ft DPD sec APD sec MWD PRES in PTDY in ATMP °F WTMP °F DEWP °F SAL psu VIS nmi TIDE ft 08 21 12:00 pm NW 19.4 29.1 - - - - 29.58 - 79.3 82.2 77.7 - - - 08 21 11:50 am NW 17.5 27.2 16.7 12 8.8 S 29.58 - 79.3 82.2 77.4 - - - 08 21 11:40 am NW 15.5 27.2 - - - - 29.57 - 79.2 82.2 77.5 - - - 08 21 11:30 am NW 13.6 21.4 - - - - 29.57 - 78.8 82.4 76.8 - - - 08 21 11:20 am N 7.8 17.5 - - - - 29.57 - 78.6 82.4 76.8 - - - 08 21 11:10 am E 9.7 17.5 - - - - 29.59 - 78.6 82.4 76.8 - - - 08 21 11:00 am E 15.5 19.4 - - - - 29.60 - 79.5 82.4 77.7 - - -
  8. Not sure it was mentioned, GGEM is pretty close to BID landfall
  9. Another thing to consider is the duration of winds will be longer than most TC's around here. Would inevitably produce more issues than normal.
  10. Looks like sonic the hedgehog
  11. It's east and slower than 06z.
  12. looks like a hot mess this AM However, more recent geostationary satellite imagery shows that the convection is *beginning* to wrap around the northeastern and eastern portions of the circulation suggesting that the anticipated decrease in shear is occuring, and that Henri *may* be on the verge of strengthening.
  13. Looks like they updated at 6:30pm instead, sometimes they'll update throughout shift if needed too. But that's near-term stuff
  14. Hopefully it explodes overnight
  15. HMON is a moderate TS at landfall
  16. Yeah it honestly looks like a nice day here Sunday
  17. Not a lock that this system landfalls -IN SNE - as a TS, btw.
  18. Yeah, I see no reason this won't unravel fairly quickly. The Cat 1/strong TS calls are banking on at least a weak cat 2 maximum
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