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Torch Tiger

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Everything posted by Torch Tiger

  1. Not trolling, the model shows exactly what I said. trolling would be lying about totals, or making a snide remark. deal with it
  2. 18z gfs is pretty bad if you like snow... <8" for most of SNE the next two weeks. And that's with generous algorithms
  3. 56.7, a nice April like day to do yard work. Amazing how alive and green the grass is
  4. Saturday/Sunday looks pretty good for NNE, hope that works out.
  5. attleboro area. I was a weenie and had snowfall tallies for everyone event for all of my H.S. 92-96 winters when things got real, lost them though.
  6. I had roughly 1/3 the seasonal total in the Spring... ~40" of 122" in Mar/Apr iirc.
  7. 93-94 was maybe my favorite winter in SE MA. 95-96 as a season had more snow, sure, but a boatload fell in March and April when winter was over and the novelty/ staying power was gone
  8. Dryslot loves winter and winter wx and this is what he and everyone wanted
  9. Around 4 minutes of heavy rain and a few rumbles of thunder/flashes of lightning.
  10. With no pack to melt, we (sne) may as well go big. jmo Don't necessarily want that for ski country, that's savage
  11. i don't think anyone disagrees though, or haven't read anyone say otherwise
  12. Hopefully some areas can touch 70 next week, that'd be a sweet win
  13. And Will was telling us days ago that Thursday would probably be the only true torch day here in the NE corner of the region
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