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Torch Tiger

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Everything posted by Torch Tiger

  1. Looks like crap outside of NNE. Maybe that area SW of ALB can do something but eh, wish I were in NH
  2. with the relatively fast low and mid-level jet, I'd probably argue for slightly faster timing, or at least watch for it. If there's a squall line coming out of NYS or VT it'll be moving along pretty good
  3. Yeah, it could be another dry fp like last Friday. Hopefully a few areas get a spot shower
  4. Larry Carlton guitar Joe Osborne? bass Jim Gordon drums.
  5. Right up there with Bob Dylan I'd say
  6. Nice day to stay in, curl up by the fire with a warm blanket, drink some hot cocoa
  7. Perfect next three months! Hopefully some dangerous severe followed by a cat 3 landfall. This is why we weather.
  8. We'll probably see a few of those heater days tick upward a bit with time.
  9. well into the 80's here today, pretty nice!
  10. Seeing what Bob did to a fairly small area of far SE MA and RI, I'd agree. We got very lucky with Bob as it hooked more NE instead of NNE than forecasted, because that would have been widespread extensive damage to much of E CT/RI/MA had it tracked just 50 miles west, or even 25 really.
  11. Decent ring of fire look on the long-range 12z gfs!
  12. Maybe some destruction across the interior on Tuesday?
  13. Yeah, can't stress that enough. Very dry and increasing heat...thankfully some dews coming, maybe a few spots will get a shower or two in the next couple weeks. Hopefully everyone is prepared.
  14. Maybe a shower/storm next Tuesday?
  15. that's a Q for one of the smart people. lol I have seen 80's dews here in NE, I'd guess PVD BDL and BOS have, noso sure about ORH.
  16. I'd take the 108F personally, but if we can set record dews (80's) that would be fun
  17. Yeah, like when it is 50 and COC all December into January without a flake of snow. We know it'll get cold in late January but by then, half of the winter is long gone.
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