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Torch Tiger

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Everything posted by Torch Tiger

  1. Caneada not out of play, but if the EC trough is too positively tilted it'll be kicked. But to me that looks more unlikely than it skirting there, or even a hit
  2. It's like 2/13 when sun angle is really starting to hit, car interiors popping 70's/80's, things are changing.
  3. summer is ending and 6 months of autumn headed in. Hopefully a summery Octorcher before 4 months of crap
  4. Anything less feels cool /crisp compared to the mid-summer beatdown. Funny how (outside of sun) 85 can feel cool
  5. sun? lol It's been cloudy for hours, plus more rain coming in.
  6. cool, cloudy, rainy afternoon...who enjoys this crap?
  7. wishcasts It can't go bodily through the islands, and it needs to be slow.
  8. Not a bad day, but hardly "sunny" here. It's 60-70% cloudy here with milky sun and that's basically all afternoon
  9. The setup has looked more like a Bermuda/far E Canada (Newfie?) threat for several days. I wouldn't rule out a solution more quite a bit more west than the mean of the op models though.
  10. it's mo cloudy here. Not a terrible day but with the dry breeze and no sunlight it feels cool, even a bit chilly
  11. yeah you may get a cool, calm sunny morning but by noon it's cloudy windy and cold. Not coc at all
  12. yeah if already there and knew a 'cane was headed in, I'd extend the vaca. lol Personally I'm hoping this system is on the "dud" side; to not upwell waters for the next trackable
  13. modeling sucks the fun right out of the hobby
  14. over before it started, hate to see it.
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