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Torch Tiger

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Everything posted by Torch Tiger

  1. Most of us want to torch it away, but there's not much if anything left. February vibes
  2. right, I thought about WWBB as I typed that.
  3. was that the infamous Larry Cosgrove hope you get 3" of ice for NC, storm?
  4. good song for the SNE crew, truly an 80's winter
  5. How's it looking in your hood? Did it melt off any?
  6. Saw some pretty good damage today in Holden, MA btw. wonder how they're doing because trees were still loaded with snow...
  7. Yeah same, had around 8" in New Boston NH. I worked in Chelmsford and iirc 32"
  8. Can't wait for the Feb Obs/Disc/Sun Angle thread! Severe season starting soon too
  9. Great severe in SE TX today. Wish we were there
  10. Almost 4" new, 4.2" technically with the snow before changeover yesterday. There's more in the hilly spots, but I'm at 160'
  11. Looks like a normal winter. lol We've been very spoiled over the past 20-30 years
  12. snow on the ground, snow in the air, snow on the way. Special winter for all
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