...Northeast into the Mid-Atlantic states...
Scattered showers/thunderstorms will probably be ongoing Thursday
morning across western/northern NY in association with a LLJ. A
seasonably moist boundary layer is forecast to over the entire
region and cloud breaks/heating will likely lead to moderate
destabilization across much of southern New England. As a weak
capping inversion erodes by midday, scattered to numerous storms
will likely form by early-mid afternoon. Appreciably strong low to
mid-level flow fields indicated by some model guidance lends
concerns for both severe gusts with an organizing band of storms,
and some potential for storm-scale rotation via cellular or linear
modes. Farther south into the Mid-Atlantic states, weaker
large-scale ascent will partially be offset by very warm/humid
conditions in lee of the higher terrain for storms to initiate.
Damaging gusts and perhaps large hail with the heavier cores are
expected through the early evening.