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Torch Tiger

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Everything posted by Torch Tiger

  1. I vividly remember suffering from snow/winter withdrawrals when I was younger, always so sad to see snow go and Spring arriving. Now it's the total opposite, nothing is better than those first sun soaked glorious Spring beauts like today and have no use for the past 3 months of wx.
  2. t's very very dry with little melt/runoff of snow today. Stein is really hitting hard out there. Also from his Twitter, Stein seems to be endorsing #IkonPass now!
  3. Stein really holding strong. the pack up in Bedford/Merrimack barely took a hit today, no major rivers/runoff at all
  4. Nice to see that parade of cutters on the 12z gfs! Hope that holds
  5. Yeah what a rebound. Already 40s in ASH
  6. a few folks still hanging on for cold/snow, bless their hearts.
  7. I agree. F for weenies is reserved for those blowtorch winters with little snow. This winter was nothing close to those rare ones
  8. 50's Wednesday (which is well above avg, btw) and yeah cools down to 48-52 Thursday, still above avg
  9. another exciting reason to love warm season! can't forget wildfires!
  10. D+ overall F snowfall C+ moderately cold, sustained cold, the little "pack" held up fairly well
  11. 20 mph wind iRN, no big deal. T-shirt shorts
  12. Yeah not trying to yuck someones yum "" lol I'm sure it really roared nicely in the high terrain and coastal spots
  13. I am not at Logan. the wind peaked at around 45kt? here at best, maybe less but generously. Mostly 40kt gusts
  14. for the areas hitting 55 or especially 65, yeah lol. I'm not arguing some peeps got hit good. We hit like 70? ish in Hanover/Pembroke during the first killer cutter Dec 2023, on a south wind and 60ish F. It was quite different
  15. 45-55 for most honestly, that's decent but nbd. Some areas were hit good but it seems fairly localized
  16. ...Middlesex County... Bedford AP 61 MPH 1145 AM 03/07 ASOS Harvard Bridge 59 MPH 1141 AM 03/07 WXFLOW Watertown 47 MPH 0915 AM 03/07 CWOP Westford 46 MPH 1200 PM 03/07 CWOP 1.5 SW Brighton (WEATHERSTEM 45 MPH 1130 AM 03/07 MESOWEST
  17. there are parts of town 3-4 miles from here that are relatively higher up, like 350-400' and exposed a bit more, if not the highest points around. that's usually where the better winds end up
  18. it was windy but nothing extraordinary, at least locally. sorry
  19. Hurricane tracking is wx excitement defined, and thats nice but Howie Carr is an irrelevant boomer
  20. It must be boring if a middling wind day gets folks this excited
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