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Everything posted by Ruin

  1. things I dont understand 1 people say you cant track storms a week out but the mets all track storms a week out and they hint at something just to hint at it. if its wrong they dont mention it again or if its right they report on it for ratings I get that. What I dont get how models can be so wrong 1-2-3 days out at times like how does a low go from the east coast with a massive push of moisture and cold only then 1 model run go to a apps lake cutter and the storm be all rain in the 50s? What info was put into that model run to make it go to one extreme to the other I wish we were told such things. 2 how since the model upgrade in 2011-14 have these models gotten worse imo I know other do feel this way. We have feed back errors and or just all out whacky solution. I remember one storm from 2021 it was said it was going to be pushed to far south due to the cold air then what do you know the cold air vanished. The low moved west of us into western ohio this was said not to happen due to a whacky solution but it happenend. am I complaining sure but Its 2025 and we cant even get a storm 12-24 hours out let alone a week out correct. I dunno how many times a storm is 12 hours away and we just hear its to soon to know we have to wait and see. Also if some one can direct me to a site where it actually shows the accuracy percentage of the models over the years that would be awesome. Like some say the euro is more accurate but how accurate is it 40% 30% etc
  2. if this does happen and this storm fizzles out like I heard mants mets want. I keep hearing now its going to weaken the farther east it goes first time hearing that. But we all know what they will say we dodge a bullet with this one and cheer and clap on tv.
  3. eh sadly I hope this doesnt change the cold to a pattern change where we lose the cold
  4. Im just saying isnt the Ukie one the models you dont really rely on all to much? thats what I was saying
  5. im honestly starting to question how every year is always the new hotness lol
  6. if we are grasping at straws and looking at the Ukie I dont even want to look at the other models lol
  7. Imo they are all pretty trash. Did they post accuracy percentage
  8. he retired he had a page up for a while i think he did facebook streams but havent seen one in years he may have had a twitter too I think he ended up doing to many big hat storms during a year all the storms kept missing and it was mild. He got trolled a bit too I think thats why I havent seen him.
  9. Yeah sadly it's either a cutter or to cold and pushes the systems south even tho strong lows like to go north
  10. I just want a good month or so of colder then normal and more snow then normal a good winter to kill off some of these japanese beetles and lantern fly's it would be a plus too since i like both cold and snow
  11. ive just seen this song and dance from the models before cold cold only to be pushed back 1 week 2 week a month then just disappear like a fart in the wind. More often then not the misses he models do are normally for cold and snow sadly
  12. i sweat to go if this thing falls apart or ends up being a cutter im done lol
  13. Im so damn tired of cutters shouldnt the cold air suppress it to the south
  14. Happy dance dont look now. Dogs and cats living together mass hysteria ruin is happy
  15. many many years ago in the 90s we had a very cold outbreak and we had a massive sleet storm. we went out to eat in it it wasnt at all bad driving to the place. maybe half a inch of sleet. by the time we came out we had 2 inchs of sleet but you could walk on it if you were careful unlike ice. we ended up with 4 inches of sleet. to this day I will stand behind id rather have 4 inchs of sleet then half a inch of ice. so much sleet it looked like snow
  16. I feel you with that it feels it always gets pushed back till it doesn't happen or the 2 plus weeks of cold turn out to be 1 day like 3 years ago before Christmas
  17. looking at some 10 day trends for temps local and national weather still has us touching 40 and mostly 30s all the way up to the end of the outlook to jan 8th lol
  18. I cant recall anything for a long time maybe 10 years or so?
  19. we have had storm after storm last 10 years go from all out bomb on the coast with temps in the 20s 30s to a apps cutter or to a all out lake cutter and temps jump to the 50s and you just get rain. never hear any explanation for these things the only thing you hear is it wasnt our storm lol.
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