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Everything posted by Ruin

  1. Well atm down to 23.8 forecast low was 28 and under clear skys most of the night. tomorrow high is now down to 36 vs 49. precip looks to be way behind schedule
  2. I so dont like Ice i can take sleet but frz rain yuck
  3. I think its funny local forecast yesterday said for christmas even 34 cloudy christmas day snow 31. now it says christmas even 52 thats a swing of almost 20 and is saying heavy rain.
  4. Our local meteorologist said he never experienced a wind driven sleet like tonight.
  5. Yeah I just dont know if the future radar is correct or not it is back filling in a bit but radar shows snow atm and future but shows snow and mostly sleet radar returns are a strange thing. Going to be a nightmare if I get much more sleet. reminds me of the early 90s when we ended up having a inch of snow then go like 3 inchs of sleet the next 10-12 hours. Im glad it wasnt frz rain.
  6. Its funny how so many south of me are seeing snow and im about %80 sleet and colder then those to the south. proves weather will do what it wants
  7. it has been about %80 sleet for me for the last 4 hours tho radar showed snow when we didnt get the breaks. So far had about 6 inchs of snow before the sleeting started. Future radar suggest heavy snow bands to come but not sure if its showing snow and I get sleet like im getting now. Temp down to 24 our forecast was forecasted to be 26,
  8. yeah sadly funny thing is some one called me out saying i was lying about the dry slot.
  9. for those who said im lying about the dry slow listed below is a pic. btw I want it to fill in and every one to get snow. im also looking down stream to see what is coming north as well.
  10. lol what are you even talking about we had no snow last year i didnt really post plus I worked about 60 hours a week.
  11. well im moving on from this. very childish imo we all like snow PA can be considered mid Atlantic
  12. Sorry you feel that way but im not i enjoy the snow and want it to dump.
  13. https://www.accuweather.com/en/us/national/weather-radar look at that radar going into the future has snow holes right next to heavy snow areas. then boom all fills in. something tells me it wont fill in.
  14. So something else strange I watched this former weatherman joe cioffi now does it for himself on youtube saying we had some over running snow in South PA and it reached the ground so thats a extra few hours of snow for you all that means a few extra inchs. but then he shows a model the ends the snow around 2-3am? before the snow was said to get out of here around 7-8 am lol.
  15. thats true Ive seen that and heard that but sometimes ive had mega snows cause of only fat flakes never had sleet mix in with those guess i was lucky
  16. You know I see it on the radar looking out side its thats small flakes that fall during a blizzard type snow. during the really heavy snows sometimes your lucky and get fat flakes. but ill take this too.4 1/2 inchs the last 2 hours give or take.
  17. So maybe some one will know since I never reached 30 only got to about 27 and now down to 25. how much extra could one get out of a inch of liquid whats the ratio any where I can look for the formula?
  18. Temp down to 25 again never got to 30 today's high was about 27.
  19. wow love how its coming down. also some people dont need to be rude
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