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Everything posted by Ruin

  1. just outside Middletown when i came home around 230am at work I had 3 inchs on my car. when I got home a 20 min drive I had 3.5 and still snowed pretty good for 2 hours. I havent went out since I got home but safe to say we hit just over 4 inchs
  2. the artice airmass just up and vanished on my forecast one day in the 20s the rest mid to upper 30s with 1 40 lol so much for that big cold air mass. at least we got some snow so far out of the pattern change.
  3. Im really sick of this dark blue band over me for hours and nothing is falling in fact I see breaks in the clouds like wtf.
  4. actually I love about of week of really cold why you may ask? It kills all the nasty bugs and we have less of them in the summer and overall I miss cold days as a grown up get under a blanket toasty with hot coco or some thicc soup like broc and cheddar or beef stew
  5. now our artic airmass will only be here 2 days? highs in the low 20s for sundays snow but then shoot back up to the upper 30s to near 40 right after the storm? im getting tired of them since last year saying the artic air is coming and it never comes. I just want a week or so of a good cold push i dont want rain or ice out of no where cause its to warm.
  6. so according to my local temp forecast we only now get 2 days of artic air? low 20s then it shoots all the way back to upper 30s to near 40?
  7. Last time I actually looked was thursday night? what time now more like 4am?
  8. the whole artic airmass being pushed back for 3 days in a row is annoying. it reminds me of last year when they kept saying artic airmass polar vortex to hit east coast next week. It never even happened. I think after the second week of jan we didnt hit below 32 for a high all winter.
  9. Is this moving slower then models were saying? I swear it was showing snow at the PA MD line around 1 am
  10. I still want to know where the artic air went. its like last year they just keep pushing it back more and more.
  11. So can any one tell me what happen to the artic air? I kept hearing to much artic air and it will suppress the storm etc. Yesterday my high's for next week were all in the low 20s and lows in the low teens. now its low 40s for highs and upper 20s for lows? Yet the storm on some models is suppressed south? Why did the artic air not end up showing up now for next week? even sunday now is 43 when before it was 33.
  12. it was snowing off and on since i went to work at 2pm but nothing layed until about 8pm and started snowing heavier got another 1 1/2 at work id guess. same amount at my house from the looks of it when i got home. Another band may move in sometime tonight
  13. looks like the precip backfilled a bit direction is north to south mostly since this started about a 1 plus ago I picked up another .75
  14. yeah dry air can be so strange for a storm why here and not over there kind of thing. yeah future radar builds it back but have been told future radar sucks pretty much. like earlier tonight it showed no dry slot or break in the precip at all till 1am.
  15. Ive only ever seen this happen twice in my life. radar is dry but snowing hard. if id have to guess precip is about 20 miles away from me on the west side 15 miles north and 40 miles east.
  16. its funny to think all these models saying it wont stop till like 10am tuesday. but then all my local weather guys saying 10pm 11pm tonight with lingering snow showers only maybe a inch tomorrow
  17. So radar shows nothing current conditions say cloudy but its snowing hard. I know some of you reported the radar has dry slotting but still snowing im guessing its snowing at a lower lvl then the radar beam is??? Also Im guessing they are just doing observations for what the radar says not from a spotter noticed that a lot lately.
  18. any chance we can go that shield to bounce back to harrisburg? that dry slot came out of no where.
  19. Ive been hearing about artic air arriving for 4 weeks now lol
  20. last time i saw rates like this is when we got that 35 inch storm a few years back.
  21. yeah most of them love to downplay snow storms so many times they have been way wrong. when i hear them saying the most accurate forecast lol.
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