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Everything posted by Ruin

  1. also a question on this pic showing the front still alive and didnt wash out like forecasted? will this benefit us if its stalled like this?
  2. I love back building but so many of us on the edge. id rather be in the snow as it back builds if you get what im saying. normally after it back builds it normally goes up in smoke sooner then id like.
  3. snowing again in harrisburg area very lightly but bigger flakes looking out side every thing looks like Diamonds
  4. same in southern PA no snow on radar current conditions say cloudy but a light snow starting to coat roads been coated side walks and grass as soon as sun went down
  5. Not our big storm no but plenty of model runs days ago showed 6 inchs
  6. right along the coast maybe we can see some snows then?
  7. going into work for ot tomorrow I may leave early since its Kind of on a summit and tricky hills
  8. I understand about having a tight storm and tight circulation. but the same time its a huge storm and the moisture field early on like 6 days ago was huge even the sub 960 L. Ive seen so many storms that have been sub 960 all these mets were shocked by it and were saying no way thats a cat 2 hurricane etc. I chuckled cause in the last 20 years Ive seen so many.
  9. I was shocked on a few model runs it was at the bench mark and southern PA north MD VA hardly got anything or nothing. I cant remember the last time a bench mark snow gave so many around i95 nothing esp north and west. tho most of the time we have low going north from the south then transferring off the coast.
  10. wouldnt it be nice out of all the times the models took away our storms that this time we get a storm back from the jaws of defeat just 50 miles more west and so many of us will be happy with our few inchs
  11. Honestly would be nice for all the storms models took away if this trended another 100 miles west or so and gave us close to 4 to 6 inch's
  12. jinx I said Maybe ill wake up to a diff forecast lol
  13. I thought the one over night model was still out to the east? from the things I read at least I hope to wake up to a diff forecast lol
  14. any idea how far went any snow comes? reading harrisburg etc
  15. Im on my phone atm not going to scroll forever to read posts from a few hours ago. if the post was right before mine maybe I wrote this as the post your referring to was posted I was also talking about how the models just changed in one run thats a valid point. If thats due to feedback problems the models not seeing something or the models seeing something now they didnt see the run before none the less my point of view remains and is valid.
  16. the giant spread of models jumping all over the place just adds to how much models cant latch on to some energy blocking etc. Its hard I know but it feels that these models are getting worse esp in the winter.
  17. From where it started to where it's going. We shouldn't get overly hyped over models from 5 6 7 days out
  18. This my local Mets just embraced the jog west and locked it in. But models shows western tracks or a jog they say to early to call
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