ok that would explain it. this is what I was asking to me it looks dry as a bone and not what the models suggested. Ty for explaining any reports coming in at all? atm im 20 miles south east of harrisburg airport nothing but a cold stiff wind.
Just as I said no precip to the south all the moisture is moving to the east. this storm was suppose to come from the south west md de were suppose to be in the storm too
and i still have nothing lol I told you. besides this storm was suppose to per model guidance precip coming from the south west md de pretty much nothing going on.
I'm just south of the sleet nothing here. So where is all the southern precip. This storm was supposed to cone from the south. It's pretty much moving east
Time for this keeps changing heard early on it was going to be lunch time today to like 4pm Sunday. My friend sent a notice he may cancel sb party. Then it was like 6pm today to like 11am sun now your saying only a 6 hour storm ?