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Everything posted by Ruin

  1. trust me I dont wanna be ive just seen this movie to many times
  2. we all have this sinking feeling in our stomachs we know its going to go way west and be like in west of lake erie even tho the current set up doesnt support this it has happened in the past sadly we all hate app cutters but this happens more often then not. its what the models do sadly.
  3. why i hate models lol they all mostly say something different when they were just in agreement. after they had that big update in 2018 it feels like models got worse in many ways
  4. How long has it been since we had a triple phaser 2010?
  5. Never so no snow line tbh they kept saying 2 to 4 or 1 to 3 that aside so almost no sleet either the frntain right to rain
  6. So tired of storms busting bo snow at all a lil ice the quickly to rain last night no sleet
  7. currently weather app says heavy sleet hardly even 10 mins of snow tho going out side its a cold rain no frz going on what so ever 33.
  8. still a wwa for south central PA what really hurts is that with the bump to 34 I was only 2 or 3 from my high for wed lol over night it almost got as warm at night as it did with the sun on wed go figure.
  9. good to hear i was at 26 around 10ish clouds finally moved in bumped to 34 smh
  10. I still don't understand if temps go down how can a cold 25 end up going to 30 with cloud cover if anything it should stabilize not go up
  11. Yeah same still mainly clear some high lvl clouds that's it
  12. Nice ty more and more real time obs on these apps are worse and worse
  13. Not on my app they were not when I posted it. Was at 31 didn't move hour hours
  14. 29 here still pretty clear maybe down to 25 later ?
  15. What's the start time breakdown people at work were talking from 1am all the way to 6am
  16. Nice ty so I wasn't going crazy lol long drives can do that
  17. Something to mention driving towards York back to Harrisburg skies went from mostly cloudy to clear as sun is setting almost clear skies. Odd since thought we would be socked in with clouds skies clear for about 10 miles maybe that will drop us down lower then 29 forecast low
  18. No what I'm saying my dad lives right near Middletown airport when I checked in on him today digital said 34.8 old school thermometer was 35 how can it be 37 when the airport is in his back yard
  19. Still 35 here dunno how these weather stations can be that off from where I'm at 35 here
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