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Everything posted by Ruin

  1. Forecast here was 50 Middletown was 52 hia airport showed 56 at one point i live within 3 mins of Middletown and just a min from hia I thought they all got reporting from same area I guess not
  2. forecast was 28 only hit 23 even tho we warmed up last night 8 degrees somehow with no cloud cover. we still came in 5 degrees short
  3. The thing that gets me is that 6 to 7 days before the code snap the Arctic blast the forecast for Christmas weekend Friday Saturday Sunday was temps in the mid to upper 40s with maybe a shower but otherwise whether uneventful. And what happened 4 days before the Christmas weekend size and Arctic blast to the point that they said this could last for several weeks early on my temperatures for next week we're in the twenties all week and you know people bought it as gospel now people see a warm up which will probably happen like it always does but models this far out cannot predict weather for anything it's the best guess case scenario.
  4. My argument to this is that 6-8 days before this artic cold they forecasted highs in the mid 40s to upper 40s from va md de pa. So I wouldnt put to much stock in what this says atm. with that said it most likely will happen just to screw us over lol. but its hard to predict any thing with these models a few days out let alone a week plus
  5. abc 27 local station forecast was for 6 for a low tonight its all ready 3. hour by hour accuweather has me going from 4 too 9 between 4-5am lol dunno how thats a thing.
  6. my area never got to the forecast high of 53 only got to 47 now down to 42
  7. as always back side snow overdone on models normally drys up in real life.
  8. I do have a question tho last night got down to 26 when I was on my second break from work 1030pm then my last break at 1230am warmed up to 31 no cloud cover no winds? at surface lvl how can that happen?
  9. I never understood this either on here. grew up in southern PA and MD we always counted PA DE MD VA for the mid atlantic
  10. Im done with models they are not accurate at all when we need them to be lol. 4-6 days out major snow with cold. but in one model run it goes from costal to lake cutter thats a complete joke
  11. If it doesn't wash away the temps mid 50s it will melt
  12. I had a feeling the pre Christmas storm not only wouldnt happen it would be warm and rainy just sadly how things happen all the damn time. if some how we did get a few inches of snow it would warm up only to melt before christmas like it did a few years back.
  13. I dont recall that since I was just getting over covid and had 2 deaths in my fam but normally I dont recall post frontal passages doing much it either doesnt cool off enough and its still all rain or it just dry's up.
  14. post frontal snows never really pan out for me in my area near harrisburg always a joke sadly
  15. they no longer have it but around 5am6am yesterday they had me in the 40s most likely was changed some point today
  16. We look to go back to the 40s right after the only 2 days of cold
  17. What gets me is after we only have two days of cold and now warms up to the lower forties but all we've been hearing about was an extended deep freeze
  18. I kept saying I saw this shit show of a movie before even tho we know with the blocking and cold plunge a lake or apps cutter shouldnt happen this is when it always does. in a way its gonna happen even tho when logic suggests with the amount of cold models kept showing should not happen. but then I go back to the last 5 years every time models suggest any time of cold it always gets pushed back week after week and ends up to moderate as well.
  19. The least snowiest model always wins...even if euro shows the snow. We only snow when all the models emphatically show it snow aside I just glanced at my temps here in southern PA they bumped the coldest days into the upper 20s instead of the low 20s then mon-wed highs in the low 40s instead of the 20s for all next week like before. looking like more signals the lake/app runner is gonna happen with the forecast backing off of the cold
  20. lol that isnt it I just had this name for years is all. it just sucks for all of us who just ask for a little snow for christmas. to many times this happens
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