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Everything posted by Ruin

  1. with the shift 50 miles or so with the snow more north glad I didnt get excited. All I want is a few back to back snow storms nothing to big is that to much to ask to have snow on the ground for a month?
  2. local news also showed after this next weekend highs in upper 40s almost 50. No sign of cold air on extended forecast temps mainly in the mid 40s after. Why are models normally right when they show warming trend but often wrong when they show a cooling one? the cold air mass always gets pushed back a few days to a week then its just gone.
  3. Models suck man every since they so called upgraded them in 2015ish they throw out some wild junk both ways
  4. iIll put 5.00 in the pot to say the cold gets pushed back a few days to a week then it just vanishes heh.
  5. this has been the same thing several times this winter as well as the last few years. cold front goes through temps dont go down and in some cases ive seen temps go up over night after the front went past and winds clamed down over night. it is very strange and never really heart any one else talk about it. i asked a few times on this forum and others but never get a reply.
  6. lol big stretch warmest winters ever when 5 out of the last 6 were above normal
  7. I wish my forecast earlier was snow changing to rain maybe a inch or 2. that same local forecast now rose the temps up 5 to 42 and now a cold rain.
  8. why I dont get excited for what models claim any more lol
  9. they do this all the time for lsv they love to downplay snow amounts and the little to no accumulation has got to be fav words at that building lol
  10. well its not like im wrong about that. even inside 24 hours ive been in a blizzard warning to nothing lol. I just dunno how when I was younger it felt like they were more accurate
  11. lol not even gonna get excited over a storm until its less then 24 hours away
  12. im in south central PA and the start of fall went from like 86 the day before down to the 60s for the next 2 weeks. we had people at work complaining how it sucked going from really hot weather to chilly out of no where. Mind you these were older people. it even then became even colder down to the 50s for a good week when we should of been in the low 70s.
  13. lol funny you should say that my uncle and me plotted temps for like 10 years when I was younger the numbers we plotted for temp that we got from weather stations now show up 4-7 cooler then when you go back and look at those online now.
  14. they often promote warm seasons then average but hardly headline the very cold at all. like this fall it was one of the coolest I can remember but didnt talk at all about records. just daily about how cool it was.
  15. Is it to much to ask them to stop updating models? every time they update them they tend to do worse. Yeah they may be correct on 1 storm but they are wrong 90% of the time
  16. years following mdt recordings they often round down a bit
  17. and again the cold air gets pushed back on model runs and extended forecast instead of 14th starting to get colder with maybe a storm. I saw 40s and 50s all the way to the 20th at least Last couple of years have been like this the cold air they call for never comes keeps getting pushed back. thats why I was surprised we got thee mini artic air mass we did around Christmas
  18. still 39 here I dont know how we are forecasted to get down to 27? any one else having this problems models have been not only wrong about systems precip wise but as well with temps. last 2 weeks after the cold freeze we had. our over night lows have got no where near forecast. mostly cause strangely even with no systems around we get cloud cover
  19. Models showed me to have a low of 27 tonight and its midnight and still 39. Not only have models been wrong for where storms are going for a while. but every night for 2 weeks almost it clouds over at night even if no system is around and we still way warmer then forecasted. even if I get any thing in my area it will be wet not white.
  20. Ive been saying this for years every since the major update to models I think in 2016 they have got worse. Yet people just call me a weanie haha
  21. This is for the 9th my forecast is sunny and surprisingly 48 haven't the weather forecasts caught up? Or is this still s outside chance
  22. overcast after a few hours of mostly cloud skies then started to lightly rain. temp never got above 47 here
  23. 31st high for me was 46 forecasted for 50 down to 44 here. but its just odd this whole week its been mostly sunny during the day. clouds roll in over night even tho for most of the nights we had no systems move through. So kept the over night lows 10 degrees above forecasted lows.
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