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Everything posted by Ruin

  1. my local news weather guys are not buying the cold air below normal at all they have me at average or slightly above now lol.
  2. this is what I dont get the forecast for this timeframe says much below normal temp was the latest outlook for temps my average is 45 this shows me in low 40s thats not much below normal at all. unless something change much below normal. normally means 10 degrees or so?
  3. I wish people would stop fighting about locations we all want snow when its said and done I wish all of us a cold a snowy week that we all get about 18 inchs.
  4. sadly i said this 2-3 days ago watch this shit be a cutter then more and more signs of a cutter are coming. we also wont get any of this cold the models tried to say we would. storms will go way west and torch us all to the east
  5. sadly the damn story of this year north west ends up to a apps cutter then to a lake cutter im tired of this and the south east ridge. one of my local news weather forecasts is saying for the so called cold period isnt cold at all the lowest temps they have for extended forecast is 43. meaning slightly below average but most of the highs are mid 40s to upper 40s and for the told frame of this storm they have mid 50s for southern PA. so yeah sadly if this goes north west its gonna start to torch
  6. sigh this is just sad lol big ass flip flop from cold east warmer west to now im many models warm east powerful south east ridge and us torching to the west being cold again with storms
  7. all this talk about cold and snow watch the storm be a lake cutter and torch us with 80s
  8. when was the last time we saw a 960ish snow storm? shit when was the last time we got a triple phaser
  9. heard some one state on the weather part of the next they could have snow on most of the higher mountains till next winter
  10. and if it went out any longer it would be way worse long range mode heh
  11. set up looks good now 2 plus weeks out then something shits the bed and it will end up near normal or above normal. it always says cold 2 weeks out then it gets pushed back or it moderates as we get closer to the event.
  12. fuck this the worst ever is to have a thump of snow then warms up rains goes away would rather have spring at this point
  13. just odd we are getting all this sucky feedback temp guidance wise
  14. thanks I dont wanna move for a job but 32 a hour to do the same job I was let go down here at 18 lol go figure right. I guess cause I have exp now in this field
  15. btw where did this snow come from for monday night ? sat i saw nothing but maybe some showers tuesday the chance for snow was gone and the storm looked a bit weak early sunday I saw people talking for tuesday for snow then it changed to monday night quick hitter. but southern PA is gonna miss most of it if we get any thing it will be washed away. But I have a interview up north later on monday. So I dont wanna be surprised
  16. So my local news weather is suggesting ill be mid 60s fri?
  17. only to get pushed back 1 week then 2 weeks. ive seen this song and dance from the models over the last 10 years or so
  18. i wish but at this rate im not buying any storm that brings snow till it not only starts but puts down 3-6 inchs at least lol. tho we all know its gonna snow the first day of spring just to be like wtf
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