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Everything posted by Ruin

  1. These models are junk we need better models we need to demand better results not settle for 20% accuracy
  2. Yeah we need better models to handle storms the current ones just don't cut it
  3. cant even get the next days weather right lol smh yeah they said 55 for me here I got to 40 and that was it down to 36 all rdy
  4. my argument is they should be better shouldnt they? we have had the same problems with them being inaccurate and it feels as if they are not getting better. yes 1 model can catch onto a trend and be good for 3-4 -5 storms and its slightly more accurate then it shits the bed. yes with out models we would be worse off. but i think its funny how I dont attack any one on this forum and my argument is with the tech they use for weather being bad but then some on this forum just love to throw personal attacks.
  5. and I said all would either miss or be almost a nothing burger compared to what the models showed. Hate to say I told you so but I told you so. swing batter batter swing batter a swing and a miss. people need too just learn the truth models suck nothing they show 5 7 10 days out happen for 90% of the time. people grasp onto the chase hoping they can look back and say they were right. yes the chase is fun but it often doesnt amount to anything. if we had better models. I know I know you all want me to post prof models suck well isnt the last few storms prof enough? how about some one look up a website where it says the accuracy of each models cause I cant find it. but id guess at the best case they are 20-30% accurate
  6. yes but its what forecasts go by and what every one posts. Im just point out cant they do a better job with it? does any one know here how accurate any of the models are? do they have a tracking website where it shows hits or missing with what they showed what would happen vs what did?
  7. um just look in this forum? how many times do models show a big storm 10 days out 5 days out 3 days out only to be like nah never mind
  8. about the time people started to realize that models suck even just 3-5 days out. yes its nice to chase the storm 10 days out but it seems to never happen any more. only time we end up getting storms that do anything are the storms that come out of no where and were not on any model runs until 3-4 days out or over performing storms. I just dont know why its so hard for people on this site to admit models suck
  9. the way things always go 10 days out nice colors on map show 20 30 inch snow fall a hecs etc. 5 days out either storm goes mia/out to sea/becomes a cutter out of no where. if it does snow at all any more rain comes in to wash it all away and a quick warm up to melt it. the one exception was this years artic blast in early jan that kept the snow on the ground for about a week plus. this storm is kind of feeling like I told you so again. Now I hope you can laugh at me when it does snow a classic snow storm set up next week. but im sorry I dont trust these trash ass models.
  10. No where near that temp down to 29 snow 2.5 inchs
  11. Today's event dare I say overperformer for snow considering I heard a coating to s inch from several sites local weather. To bad it gets washed away with heavy rain could of been a nice foot snowstorm
  12. this happens a lot with very fine snow flakes nothing shows up on radar. even the observations just says clouds cause its all done by radar reflectivity now now actual people looking outside.
  13. the point I always try to make is how bad the models are. yesterday the temp for sunday was forecasted to be in the upper 30s now the same day in the mid 50s? in the span of one day it changes that much? this is where my negativity and frustration comes into play. Ive never attacked any one on here either so if you feel that way im sorry I didnt mean for that. I simply hate the fact these models are so bad in the year 2025 and they are not getting any better. They felt way more accurate when I was a kid.
  14. yeah didnt snow for about 2 hours really cut into any accumulations. back to snowing but ever so lightly most roads are still just wet with side walks only some side streets have a dusting
  15. And it stopped for the last 15 mins no snow. Sorry to say i told you so
  16. And another swing and a miss count is 0 and 2
  17. 10 days out not buying this lol. it will either slide way south or be a lake cutter
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