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Everything posted by Ruin

  1. I have before. The philly game was about 18 inchs during the game the pats game had a good 2 feet vs oakland. I remember a lake effect game during the bills playoffs of the 90s as well. it feels that tho if your going to stop a game form being played in lake effect snow for safety reasons. you should postpone a game that has single digits as well as -15-25 windchills. did you see Patty's helmet break from,a hit? most likely broke cause of how cold it was.
  2. Oh ok, then any reason why the temperature's moderated 'cause. Looking at the national weather service below average temperature. it still says the same thing much below normal, but the forecast foe me inst translating to that.
  3. So looking at my forecast instead of highs in the 20s showing for this week its showing 30-35 no where near the 23-26 it was showing yesterday. Ive been busy all day so not sure what changed. Also now shows 50s for next sunday? I was really hoping for 10-20 below normal but now it looks to be normal.
  4. So whats worse for fans/[players -15 to -25 Windchill's single digits or heavy snow. I understand roads being closed etc. But I rem plenty of pats games and that one eagles game in a blizzard and it was ok to play in.
  5. I honestly think they get off saying little to no accumulation
  6. lol yep same song and dance like the last 2 years esp last year. we finally look to really get a cold stretch and no storms. now watch we will get a huge storm that turns into a lake cutter warms us up and then cools back down after lol.
  7. Im really tired of this happening lol. it doesnt happen to these dame rain storms but always to the snow storms. up and vanished like a fart in the wind
  8. Just up an disappears like a fart in the wind
  9. I really hate a waste of cold air when you get no storms
  10. very nice hit but can be get 2 in a row this one and 2 days later. one model showed another L popping off on the stalled front down south. not sure if thats still a go as well.
  11. nice ty so this should be a true 12 to 1 ratio
  12. 7 inches of sleet? dang I remember a storm sometime during my childhood we got so much sleet it looked like snow. id guess 4 inchs. You can still walk and drive in sleet vs frz rain so it wasnt a big deal.
  13. they always downplay winter weather. even when its falling and its more then they forecast they never buy into it lol
  14. hardly any wind greater then 20mph im grateful nothing at all
  15. I saw others here as well as other vids weather guys who were in the game for as while saying end of dec then start of jan then the first week of jan now its middle of jan. it feels like last 2 years they call for the cold but it never comes till like april. then we just here if this was in jan it would of been record breaking snow.
  16. nws all the long range guidance for last year said snowy cold from the pro mets not armatures but nws
  17. Yeah, I know that only the very long-range forecast had this one as a snow eve. But the One saturday till just recently. All the models had snow or mix, and then all of a sudden. It goes wide left to the lakes again
  18. True but I remember last year they said very cold tons of snow they were very wrong lol
  19. so next 2 storms are now just rain/lake cutters. cold air once again being pushed back to later middle of the month. Ive seen this song and dance last 2 years. Im glad we got the 6 inchs of snow here pissed it didnt last longer on the ground stayed cloudy all night sat too temps didnt dip down at all. Im done watching long range models lol I hope you all have fun with the weather tracking tho.
  20. temp down to 29.7 snowing mod close to 5.1 inchs when I was out about 10 minutes ago
  21. yeah about 4 inchs clearing the car off from work. highways are shit. no plow trucks on any interstate I saw 83 81. tho my local town had 6 plows out and streets are way better. not free of snow but way better.
  22. Lol and here cones the downgrade to advisors
  23. I just wish the models in this day and age were more accurate
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