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Everything posted by Ruin

  1. lol I honestly think the stuff between travis and swift is just a marketing thing. it isnt real it was to get nfl ratings up in the key demo group the nfl wanted to push.
  2. high in middletown was about 52 but it didnt reach that till about 2pm. all day was in the mid 40s.
  3. on the way back home radio station said atm in Middletown its 65 harrisburg 63 carlise 68 Maybe carlise is that warm but not on the east shore
  4. Guess we got a good flow from the north or cold air daming today. forecast high was suppose to be 65 when I looked yesterday. Stopped by dads for a late lunch 50 and now the forecast says 57 for a high. any one else noticing colder in your area today then forecasted ?
  5. funny how we are all talking about snow on here for that weekend. All the mets Ive seen are saying prolonged warm up., haha lets go cold
  6. just saying what they said was going to happen is all. I see all the time so many forecasts or outlooks conflict with others.
  7. Saw this on weather.com thee other day feb through april much above normal and precip normal. wish I could find the graph showing this. I swear a week ago some one posted a picture of the rest of winter being cold and snowy? This would be after the week warm up
  8. that last little burst gave me 1.10 inches lol
  9. yeah first I got home it didnt show up on radar but going form west shore to my dads in middletown easily laid down a inch of snow in that short time on some of the roads main highway started to cave
  10. yeah heaviest band all day and edit now I see it on radar before it didnt show up
  11. A few others from the mdt are said they had 4. Visiting dad it looked at most 3 but across the river way less so 4 wouldn't be a stretch
  12. be safe if you all go out at all. with temps taking a nose dive on top of not much wind many roads will not dry off and be icy.
  13. nice reporting mdt had up to 4 inchs im sure local news will say it was only 2 or some sort of stuff like they do.
  14. ah cause it wasnt snowing at all for me pre dawn hours so I didnt think any snow would be on the ground before sunrise. im on my way to work tried to call off early am. guy is like it isnt snowing yet im like I travel 40 mins to work and even if it isnt bad now. temps will drop and rapid freeze tonight. so im going in cause this guy who I never heard of said you cant call off if it isnt snowing lol.
  15. haha surprised we are talking about this in jan all kidding aside ive seen snow storms in april that didnt give 2 shits about the sun and time of year.
  16. im going to guess this is just on surfaces that were all rdy snow covered for the 4.1? cause going to my dads I think the most he had in Middletown was 2.5 that was on the back porch table thats metal. Hardly any thing laid on the sidewalks roads here
  17. ty for the update this means people are just going to be stupid rest of the day and night when this all freezes tonight. People love to go out during storms to shop and eat haha
  18. So pretty much as I thought the dry air really did us in. Temps here are 24. Really not any snow cover on roads side walks
  19. sad to say this looks to end in a bit unless it fills in just like last storm ended way before it was suppose too.
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