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Everything posted by Ruin

  1. So much for that cold front we had early fri. My temps yesterday and today are about 8-10 higher then forecasted sitting at 62 when my forecast was 53????
  2. lol I thought when a cold front goes through the next day should be colder? it was 58 fri for me and today 62 not really a cold front was it
  3. lol I dont think that last snow map will even happen any where close in PA maybe ere maybe.
  4. i guess its time for bugs humidity and tstorms soon. At least we got some snow this winter
  5. winter is over sadly at least it was better then last year.
  6. yep no way any of that really lays. it would be a messy wet snow that maybe would take down some trees. ground lvl temp is at 41 throw my thermal camera.
  7. I dont have faith in a storm that far out any way
  8. ground is going to be so warm the next week from 50s and 60s I doubt even if it does snow we get any thing to lay?
  9. I was outside around 2-3 am last night before going to bed had some rain mixed with wet snow. looked on radar and was like yep didnt think anything was said too happen last night. It was like 33 didnt amount to much just damp. Woke up at 7 things were still a bit damp. had to throw a few more logs on the fire today. Only went through 30% of firewood for the season. Plenty of left over wood for many bonfires come summer spring
  10. after the models got the second half of feb cold and crapped the bed now its going to be warmer im just now buying it lol
  11. I find it suspicious that any time the temp guidance says warm it always happens and we get torched. but when it says cold for the up coming week or 2 its right maybe 3 times out of 10
  12. true I still want some one to reply to my post yesterday. I know I wasnt in that band but it still snowed heavy enough to lay during other snow storms Ive seen at night. it took the whole snow storm for it to lay on any thing but the cars.by the end of it just started laying on the grass.
  13. from what I saw no way we even got that much lol
  14. I understand the heavy bands missed me where im at and my dad is. But it was snowing moderate rates for 3-4 hours and the temp got all the way down to 25 in my area. but yet the roads stayed wet side walks and even the grass until the last 2 hours wasnt even laying on any thing but cars. only ended up with half an inch. can some one explain to me with temps in the mid 20s no sun since it was night time the snow couldnt even accumulate on grass or side walks? I have had light snow lay with temps in the mid 30s before this just puzzled me.
  15. just amazes me 9 times out of 10 the models are right about screwing my area haha. 1 times out of 10 do we bust high o well. Looking at radar back end is all rdy here always ends so much faster. then models show
  16. cant really sleep roads side walks are just still wet only now started laying on the grass? lol
  17. lol we got jack shit so far all melting on the ground even tho the temp is 28 now snowing still back back edge on its way
  18. still nothing laying on the ground just wet im going to bed lol
  19. some one explain this too me earlier I had rain and snow a bit heavier then light. temp was 38 and dp 22 now I have a heavier band over me temp is 34dp 27 and its dry? nothing is falling. how can I have a bigger gap between temp dp hour or so ago and have precip. but now they are closer together but yet its dry
  20. Nothing burger so far we had sine wet snow rain over an hour ago just had dog outside. Nothing cloudy sky's no way it's ti dry out temp 34 dp 26
  21. the way the snow sometimes skips over hundreds of miles where its dry then boom a place that has a lower dp gets snow its like huh what. for me it rained with wet snow for about 20 minutes then stopped.
  22. Also got warmer in my area then I saw forecasted 41 but got to 45 and of course clouds decided to roll in just as it was getting dark so no cooling. still sitting at 41 mix of rain and very wet snow vs a dryer snow was forecast just being real about it.
  23. I thought it looked dry but damn thats bs snow hole someone has a personal grudge with lsv
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