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Everything posted by Ruin

  1. Yep last 2 to 3 weeks temps have been. Way off. I'd say under of over fibe by more then 7 degrees 5 times
  2. i see a 72 in my forecast a little to soon imo for that but yeah spring is here. soon we will see flowers bloom and tree pollen on cars
  3. Nah won't happen if you want to believe in pixie dust and unicorn shit i got a bride to no where you can buy.
  4. So hard to buy this. It be nice but models have been way to off
  5. Yeah to windy thought the winds were supposed to die down about 4am
  6. Winter is dead lol all the trends are saying so
  7. yes f the trends still had cold but the temp forecast went from maybe another artic outbreak for march to above normal over night. one of the few times this winter the temp guidance was wrong. now if we were still having shots of cool or cold air id agree. but I just dont see any chances for cold air at all. the coolest I see is 55.
  8. Temps mostly in the 60s next week near the end looks a bit cooler lower 50s. No signs of any cold or snow. Looks like it's time to put a fork into winter:(
  9. Yep models are not even close 80% of the time model shows snow no other model shows. Then Forcast is 56 and sunny lol
  10. Yeah I agree we deal with political stuff all the time this is a weather forum
  11. huh? lol you make no sense with all that slang you know? go head attack me personally I could care less
  12. ok who should i use? weather.com abc27? lol most of them all use the some models to go off of. lol What site doesnt use these models do tell.
  13. sadly nothing is forecasted for this time frame
  14. looks like spring is just a tad early this year all ready seeing bees and flys outside. Im about to start planting in the green house I just hope we have a spring and dont go right into summer. but looking at the long range looks to be pretty warm with a few cold days mixed in.
  15. im saying models have been off on the storm tracks like normal they have been good on temp outlooks tho. which if you think about being accurate in temps should relate to precip but it always just fizzles out around us. I just want more accurate models more then 2 days out and even then to get accuracy it slike pulling teeth. I dunno why with such a bad track record any one even entertains the idea of posting a model 2 weeks plus out.
  16. yeah sorry not gonna happen it will be all rain or miss us all together
  17. smh lol isnt going to happen. Ill bet you wings and fries
  18. Feels so warm s m all chill in the air. Brought home gardening supllies mulch tomatoes peppers. Can't wait to start growing
  19. Lol I got a bridge to nowhere to sell you
  20. its a study they are often wrong in. we deserve better then what they give us
  21. So for those keeping scors models 7 days out are 1 for 9 with what they showed vs what we got
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