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Everything posted by Crowbar

  1. Will never forget this one. We live on the west side of Alum Creek park, and IIRC this storm started Friday morning as I worked until around 1:15-1:30, then kicked my assistant out and told her to go home and I left right after her. Lots of snow until evening when it stopped, then started back up in force overnight into late Saturday afternoon. There was even a blizzard warning for Friday, but not sure if conditions met the technical blizzard definition for winds. This is the heaviest snow I can recall since I was a kid living in NE Ohio.
  2. These next few weeks, I fear, are going to be boring.
  3. Think we’re just in a bad spot - no LE, and we need just the right path to get any good snows.
  4. Nothing in Orange Twp. Told my kids to be ready for school tomorrow.
  5. Would love to, but think we're only going to get a few inches at best. Other models showing more south. Already told my wife and kids that they'll have school tomorrow.
  6. No kidding - they also get a day every other week off anyway
  7. Curious if schools will open - wife teaches in Columbus and kids go to Olentangy.
  8. I think they're the same - it's when you get down toward Pickaway/Fairfield etc where the WSW criteria is lower, but someone more knowledgeable than me can chime in. I'm in Delaware County as well on the west side of Alum Creek
  9. So we get lots of cold without much in the way of snow - such is living in Central Ohio
  10. Maybe we'll get lucky. Recall Dec 2013, when we were supposed to get 10-12" on Thursday night-Friday and ended up with only about 3" as the storm moved about 60-70 miles to the south (areas like Chillicothe got a foot that we were supposed to get) - maybe this time the weather gods will push this thing north to give us something worthwhile
  11. Still have nightmares about Jan 2019, when we were supposed to get around a foot on Saturday, and instead got a few inches (granted overnight was lots of blowing/drifting with bad roads) preceded by rain due to WAA.
  12. If we'd at least get some decent snow out of the cold shot - unfortunatly, it's usually a high of low 20's with sun. Give me upper 20's-low 30's with snow
  13. I'll continue to bump to the top, in the extremely faint hope that we get a major storm in the OV around Christmas Eve so I can get out of visiting the annoying part of my wife's family. Know that it won't happen, but will continue to hope beyond hope.
  14. This sums up the weather here in Central Ohio for the forseeable future:
  15. Total bust here today - not a drop since some this morning that ended around 7:30
  16. Where are you? I'm at Polaris, and nothing here at all. Starting to wonder if we'll even get anything.
  17. Played softball against him around 30 years ago - he was pretty good. The two games that I played against him he was their pitcher.
  18. Yep - I'm in the county north of Columbus. I don't see severe happening here, but ILN still saying that there's a chance. If it appears that they'll get severe, then I'll go home and work from there. Easier to work at the office, but would rather have the car in the garage and a basement if necessary
  19. Agree - heard a local met on the radio talking about how it may clear out enough to fire up the storms, and that's what they said last week. Don't see that happening with the amount of rain we're supposed to get.
  20. Certainly hope it was more due to the overperformance from a couple weeks ago, as it's a pretty sad state of affairs if they caved to pressure from social media. I was wondering why we stayed in a moderate risk after all of the rain that we had overnight and this morning, then the one early this afternoon. The TV mets who were on the radio were still saying that we were in a moderate risk this afternoon, but the sun wasn't out that long today for any destabilizing to occur. Totally understand that it's not an exact science, but never saw where the necessary factors would be in play up here.
  21. Yep - as I said above, when I got the call that school was letting out early, knew that it was game over. Certainly don't fault the school district with all of the hype, as there was some chatter about a Xenia-like event.
  22. You'd think that could have been predicted - everyone was saying that the morning convection would suck out the energy, but NWS continued to say that the paramaters were in place for a major severe event. Realize that some are getting severe weather, but up this way it was a lot worse last night and this monring. Should have known it would be a bust up here when they let school out 90 minutes early.
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