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About TheRegionRat

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    East Chicago

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  1. I'm just really hoping that between now and Saturday night, my grass is solidly covered in snow.
  2. Hoping to get the grass covered. Need three inches to get the job done.
  3. I'm cautiously optimistic I'll see some lake effect. I doubt it's enough to cover the grass.
  4. Thanks! Very much appreciated. I'm in East Chicago, just across the line, so I'm cautiously optimistic regarding the lake effect.
  5. Are there any reliable CAMS that can be used to forecast the lake effect on Friday? It seems like all of the American suite are poorly regarded. It's two days out, so this is probably far too early to get into those specifics.
  6. When did O'Hare dip below zero, Saturday night or Sunday morning? I think the record is 100 consecutive hours below zero? I think that's safe. If it doesn't get above zero there today, is 60 hours reasonable?
  7. Drizzling here now. I'm at work, in Hammond, around three miles south of home. That aside, it looks like the party is over in these parts, until the snow ramps up again this afternoon/evening. Easily four inches on the ground, perhaps a bit more.
  8. My only resource for the changeover is the somewhat maligned HRRR. The latest run indicates several hours of snow before the rain moves in. Do other CAMs indicate differently? The scenario currently unfolding looks to be more than a nuisance.
  9. Any chance the rain\snow line remains south of Route 30? Or the rain only lasts a couple of hours as opposed to four or more hours as modeled?
  10. Snowing heavily here. Visibility is noticeably reduced.
  11. I guess that's the follow up to my original question. Do the global models take into account the relatively warm lake waters?
  12. After reading the KLOT AFD, are the Euro and 18Z GFS snow maps over-cooked?
  13. Nope. The grass wasn't covered. I'm hoping the warm lake effects are quickly overcome by cold and snow this time around.
  14. I don't recall my lawn being snow-covered last winter, and it's yet to happen this winter. I'll start there. Snow enough to cover the grass.
  15. Only snow I received yesterday was the early AM burst. Nothing after that.
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